How Do You Choose The Right Cradle For Your Baby?

Choosing the right cradle is easier than it first appears. There are just a few things to keep in mind and you’re ready to go.
How do you choose the right cradle for your baby?

There are parents who like to do so-called co-sleeping with their children. Others prefer to put their child in a proper cradle to sleep independently of them  .

No matter how you decide, you should know the basic criteria that will help you choose the right cradle .

Keep your family’s needs in mind, as well as your sleeping habits. 

The cradle is usually used for around 24 months. When your child gets too big or can climb out of it on their own without any problems, the time has come to switch to a real bed. The exact time is different for each child.

There are also larger cradles and mechanisms that “grow with you” and can be turned into a bed. You can use these up to an age between 5 and 7 years.

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When should you buy a proper cradle?

Most mothers already concern themselves with cradles when they are still pregnant. Usually, parents wait until they know the baby’s gender to buy cradle accessories.

If you are planning several children, it is advisable to choose a neutral design that suits both  boys and girls. This allows you to use it multiple times.

Ideally, you don’t just buy the cradle when your baby is there. Sometimes you have to wait a while for delivery.

So if you want to reduce stress in the last few moments before giving birth, the best thing to do is to get a crib in a timely manner.

Types of cradles

It is important that you think about what type of crib you want for your baby. As you will notice, there are many different sizes, models, and materials.

A height-adjustable cradle will help you pick up your baby more easily at night. You can also make it lower as your child grows and moves more.

Cradle for baby

safety first

The advantage of a new cradle is that  all legal safety regulations are met. The cradle and mattress are thoroughly tested to ensure the baby’s safety.

If you get a cradle for free, you can save yourself money. However, you should make sure that it is safe for your baby.

If the cradle is painted, the paint shouldn’t be toxic or peel off. Screws should also be tight and should not pose any danger. Don’t save money at the wrong end. 

Features to look out for

Apart from the security requirements, you should also pay attention to the benefits and your preferences when buying. Your baby should feel comfortable in their cot and of course it should also be practical.

Before you buy a cradle, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you want the cradle to have wheels?
  • Do you want a customizable cradle or a standard model?
  • Should the cradle be height-adjustable?
  • What is your budget

Now all you have to do is find the right cradle at the right price.

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