Grandma Versus Pediatrician: Who Will Win?

Almost every grandma has a wide variety of home remedies at hand that relieve some grandchildren of suffering and pain. But don’t forget that medical diagnosis and treatment are fundamental!
Grandma versus pediatrician: who will win?

Almost every  grandma  has a wide variety of home remedies at hand that relieve some grandchildren of suffering and pain. Of course, grandmothers have their own opinions when it comes to the pediatrician’s recommendations.

You grew up in other times when everything worked very differently. Even if it seems illogical,  some mothers prefer to listen to grandma’s  advice rather  than their pediatrician. 

In most cases, the pediatrician can give the best advice and prescribe the right treatment for the child if something is missing. But many a grandma swears by her own remedies, which helped her even in her childhood. 

We know that, depending on the problem, there are also very effective home remedies that are passed on from one generation to the next. But in many cases, a visit to the pediatrician is inevitable. 

With this in mind, one should never forget  that the pediatrician has specific training to treat childhood diseases. Even if grandmas have a lot of experience, this is not always enough. The doctor should therefore have the last word.

But what should you do if your grandma disregards almost all of the pediatrician’s measures? After all, grandmothers play a very important role in parenting. But parents have to make the right decisions for their children and should listen to the pediatrician treating them. 

When pediatricians are wrong

Despite all medical advances, misdiagnoses can occur, because even doctors are only people who can be wrong. You can also prescribe the wrong treatment that  is ineffective or makes the problem worse.

Who is right?  Grandma or doctor?

This is why grandmas often have no trust. But the fact that the parents understand the doctor’s mistake does not mean that the grandma was right. Grandmothers often doubt the effectiveness of a drug, but they are wrong, like everyone else.

We very often hear of misdiagnoses or errors by doctors that are harmful to the health of children. For example, a doctor may prescribe ibuprofen for chickenpox. 

It wasn’t long ago that aspirin was discouraged from giving children under 12 years of age. But until then, this drug was often prescribed to younger children for fever and pain.

Grandma home remedies and medicine can coexist

Experts know that treating patients who have previously worked on their complaints at home is no exception. In addition, teething troubles often break out in the middle of the night when it is difficult to see a doctor. 

In the event of a fever or abdominal pain, the cause must be identified. But for treatment, at least until you see a doctor, you can also use grandma’s home remedies to relieve the little one’s symptoms.

First parents often react nervously to illnesses, which is why the experience of grandma is particularly helpful.

Even specialists know that certain home remedies are beneficial and safe. But they also indicate that they should no longer be taken and that a medical examination is still important.

Grandma with granddaughter

Also, doctors advise that home remedies should only be used after correct diagnosis  to avoid complications.

Taking a bath, for example, can help to relieve the fever. But if the cause is not known, it could be dangerous for the child. For example if it is a lung disease.

So grandma’s home remedies can be used  to relieve pain. But don’t forget to take your child to the doctor first, who can make the correct diagnosis.

Of course, home remedies are also helpful in emergencies until the child can be examined by the doctor. But only until it is actually taken care of by a doctor. 

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