Give The Best Through Your Own Well-being

Taking care of yourself as a woman is wise, healthy, and good for your wellbeing. This means remembering what we are worth and what we deserve in order to be able to give our children the best we can.
Give the best through your own wellbeing

It means learning to be strong and putting our fears aside. It also means  valuing hope and well-being, for they heal, guide, and nourish.

Many child-rearing and maternity experts remind us to match a mother’s needs with her basic needs. They relate not only to physical needs, but also to emotional and psychological needs. It is important for mothers to look after themselves both during pregnancy and in the first few months after giving birth.

Family and friends always insist that expectant mothers go to their gynecologist appointments and get their ultrasounds. But very rarely do we pay attention to women’s well-being, how they feel emotionally, whether they are stressed, etc.

For many mothers, the most delicate and complex phase is after the birth of their child. To this day, however, postnatal depression remains a taboo. We often refer to mothers who are tired, neglected, discouraged, or frustrated as “bad mothers”.

We need to change a few things about this issue. Postnatal depression affects 15% of women. That is not a small number. We need to take a step back and address the problem.

Sometimes a mother can’t handle everything and needs help. She needs advice, guidance and, most importantly, someone close to let her know that she is understood. If not, she will likely perceive herself as a bad mother and then it will be difficult to be convinced otherwise.

By investing in ourselves, we gain quality of life. We have to take care of our wellbeing – just as we deserve it. We as women have to heal. These are the first steps to find happiness and at the same time be able to give our children the best. The same goes for fathers.

Caring for our mental and emotional well-being guarantees us success when we raise our children. It will guarantee personal and family harmony in which we can accept any challenge. In which we can enjoy every day and every detail …

Healing yourself as a woman means identifying your wounds

Drawing two women
What are we referring to when we talk about “healing yourself”? First of all, let’s remember that many of us face a number of unsolved problems every day. These include anger, hidden sadness, traumatic memories, unmet needs, feelings of emptiness and much more.

  • No one can give someone real strength and love when wounds displace them. These tiny black holes become part of our daily lives and even affect the way we raise our children.
  • We need to identify those wounds and scars that are preventing us from breathing freely.
  • Knowing how to identify and accept our wounds is the right step to healing.
  • Later we have to ventilate the wound, weep for it and carry on with our heads held high.

Be brave, be able to forgive, and gain wisdom along the way

Healing means understanding that everything we have experienced and suffered can make us stronger. To do this, we have to learn to forgive. We need to leave the past in the past, close the door and look to new horizons. Our future is full of hope, dreams and maturity.

  • Don’t be a prisoner of your past. Your present is full of possibilities. Start your life with the lessons you learned. Your experiences give you your own identity, a unique story to overcome.
  • You are a resilient woman who has turned her weaknesses into strengths. Complete the cycle of pain from your past and cross the threshold into the present. Everything is new and you are the protagonist.

Drawing elephant

Your wellbeing to be able to give the best version of yourself

Don’t forget yourself mom. You care for your baby, watch it while it sleeps, feed it, you are always attentive, you see its needs beforehand …  But what about you? What are you doing to take care of yourself?

Don’t hide in the background. Take the time to take care of yourself. Take care of your relationship with your partner. Go out with friends or acquaintances. If you don’t, you can quickly reach the end.

Drawing mother with child

Taking care of yourself: a priority that will make you stronger, happier, and happier

You are a mother, but you are also a woman, a partner, a friend, a daughter, a sister, etc. You are a person with a desire to grow, mature and learn. Therefore, you have to keep all these roles and desires in balance, because only then will you be truly satisfied.

Every moment you spend with your child is a gift. But devoting a few hours to yourself doesn’t automatically make you a bad mom.

So go ahead and delegate the tasks. Let your partner, a relative, or someone you trust take care of your children so you can switch off. When you come back you will feel like new and refreshed!

Do something new every day. Often times, being a mom means repeating the same routines day in and day out. Try to break the routine every now and then. Sometimes the smallest detail can bring great joy to our day! Go for a walk, read a book, call a friend, etc.

What are you waiting for to heal, accept your identity and be happy? Set the best example possible for your child. Show your child the beautiful, mature and courageous person you are!

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