Food To Prevent Anemia

The lack of some minerals can cause children to suffer from anemia. We need to know what foods prevent this disease and include them in our children’s diet.
Food to prevent anemia

Check out this article for some foods to help prevent anemia.

There are several anemia prevention foods that we can incorporate into every meal. This disease usually occurs due to a lack of hemoglobin a molecule responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood.

The lack of nutrients in the diet or lack of blood can make children sick. Therefore, it is important that you know what to do in these cases.

Symptoms of anemia

There are several symptoms that can occur when one has anemia. So if you see that your child has some of the symptoms listed below, it is best to consult your pediatrician.

  • It starts to get irritable.
  • Has difficulty breathing.
  • It eats less than before.
  • It feels weak or tired all the time.
  • His tongue hurts.
  • Has a headache or dizziness.
  • If the condition is more severe, brittle nails with a bluish or pale tint may appear.

“Anemia can also be caused by a lack of vitamin B12 or folic acid.”

Food to prevent anemia

There are several foods that can be used to prevent anemia. Here we explain in detail which ones you should include in your child’s diet.


Fruits are one of the best foods for child health and anemia prevention. Apples and tomatoes are high in iron, so they’re great for preventing anemia.

Other fruits that you can incorporate into your child’s diet are plums, bananas, lemons, grapes, oranges, figs, carrots, and raisins. And it’s even better when consumed in large quantities.


Honey is a very good source of iron, copper and manganese. This combination helps in the synthesis of hemoglobin, making it a powerful weapon against anemia. You can include honey in your child’s snack or add it to breakfast.

Anemia prevention - girl drinks milk


Lamb, beef, and other red meats are high in iron. Meat also contains heme iron, which is quickly absorbed by the body’s cells. Beef liver has more than 600% of the daily requirement for this mineral. It’s also a great source of vitamin B12.


Fish is of great help in preventing anemia because it contains a large amount of iron. Some of the most popular fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, and seafood, such as clams and oysters, are very good sources of this mineral


Eggs are a rich source of protein and contain a large amount of antioxidants that help the body supply vitamins. One large egg contains 1 mg of iron, so eating it daily will help prevent anemia.


Vegetables like spinach, lettuce, broccoli, celery, beetroot, and kale are vegetables high in iron that are also high in energy.

In addition , they contain vitamin B-12, folic acid, and other nutrients that help the body recover from anemia faster.

Anemia Prevention - Girls Cooking

Legumes and nuts

Lentils, chickpeas, beans and soybeans should not be missing in a child’s diet, especially if anemia is suspected.

Other foods that shouldn’t be missing are whole grains, dried dates, peanuts, walnuts, and almonds because they are essential in fighting or preventing anemia.


100 g of oatmeal provides about 4.7 mg of iron, which exceeds meat, which provides about 3 mg. One cup of oatmeal contains 60% of your daily requirement for this mineral.


Beetroot can also be found among the foods used to prevent anemia. It is high in iron, vitamin C, vitamin B, calcium and folic acid, which have great anti-anemic effects. It also stimulates the production of blood cells in the bone marrow.

Good nutrition and the inclusion of these foods in your child’s diet will prevent the chances of them suffering from this and other diseases.

If the child has anemia and it becomes complicated, it is important that you consult with your pediatrician to assess your child’s condition and let them know what next steps to take.

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