Exit Restrictions: Ideas For Your Children

With the coronavirus pandemic, it is undoubtedly appropriate to stay home whenever possible and follow government exit restrictions. But of course this means a big change for everyone in the family. That’s why we’re giving you a few tips and ideas here on how you can best cope with everyday life under these circumstances.
Exit restrictions: ideas for your children

The world is in a state of emergency because of the coronavirus. Faced with this situation, all citizens must now act responsibly and follow the measures prescribed by governments. This includes, among other things, the specified exit restrictions.

So you should stay at home with your family if possible. Of course , like everyone else, you have to adapt your daily life to this emergency situation and try to cope with the coexistence during this time as well as possible.

To make this work, you will find a whole range of advice and ideas here. For example, activities that you can do with your children during this phase of exit restrictions.

Cooking together and trying out new recipes

You can use this time, for example, to teach your children the recipe for their favorite food. And to look for new ideas on how you can bake unusual and funny muffins, etc. Because cooking together is ideal for combining a necessary household chore with lots of fun.

It is also a great opportunity to teach your children something important: what it means to prepare daily meals for a family. So, while cooking together, make them aware of how much work and fun there is in it. At the same time, you can show them how to prepare a healthy meal.

During the exit restrictions: family cooks together

Use the time to talk to your family

Of course, this time brings with it that you worry and also fear. But still it would be good to see it as an opportunity too. Because now you can spend more time with your family and you can get to know each other better. Perhaps you will tell your little ones about your own childhood and what you used to do at home. You can listen to them quietly when they talk about their interests, etc.

Do the housework together

If the whole family is at home during the exit restrictions, that also means: You can use the opportunity for an important parenting issue. Because now you can assign household chores to everyone in the family  and at the same time convey to them the value of commitment and a sense of responsibility. Plus, doing chores together can also be fun.

Very important during the exit restrictions: Playing together

For children it is the best when mother or father spend time with them and play with them. In addition, there is no doubt that given the situation, children need one thing above all: having fun with their parents! What could be better than playing something together in the family!

It doesn’t matter at all whether the games are very traditional or simple. Like playing hide and seek, or the trip to Jerusalem. You can also make it even more fun by giving the winner a specific prize. For example, choosing the movie that you will watch that evening or the next game that will be played, etc.

Watch the little ones’ favorite films in comfort

Of course you shouldn’t overdo it here and just watch movies for hours. But the exit restrictions offer a good opportunity to watch films together. But it is important to plan a little ahead; So which films you will watch and, above all, how many. Because in this situation it is easy to overdo it with time in front of the screen.

Family plays video games together

Also essential during the exit restrictions: adhere to the children’s learning times

Last but not least, the following is also very important: Your children must have a solid structure in their everyday life. This means that they have fixed study times and that they devote themselves to school and their homework during this time.

After all, endless free time can not only impair your child’s performance when they return to school. It also carries the risk of the little ones getting to a point where they just get bored of everything.

Therefore, you should make a firm plan for those days of exit restrictions. Record the study times and also when free time is the order of the day. Because this can help your children not to lose their normal study habits for school. You can also prevent them from getting used to this dynamic of constant free time.

In short, maintain a healthy routine and enjoy family time. At the same time, use the moment to educate the children to be responsible and teach them good habits. We hope that these tips and ideas will help you and your family to better cope with this delicate situation.

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