Exit Restrictions And Children With Intellectual Disabilities

The current exit restrictions due to the pandemic are complicated for everyone. But this time can be an even bigger challenge, especially for children with intellectual disabilities. Because of this, here are a few ideas that can help you cope better with this situation.
Exit restrictions and children with intellectual disabilities

The global crisis caused by the corona virus has led to measures such as exit restrictions in many countries. These are of course a challenge for everyone. But this situation can be particularly complicated for families with children with intellectual disabilities at home.

In most countries, the measures also affect the closure of educational institutions. Likewise from early intervention centers, day care centers or vocational centers. All of these facilities had to be closed. As a result, many people with disabilities are now left without their therapies, without their usual social relationships and professional activities. This does not only apply to children with intellectual disabilities . But also for adults and the elderly.

Therefore, in this article you will find some ideas that may be able to help you. So that you and your mentally handicapped child can cope better with the exit restrictions during this time.

Consequences of the exit restriction for children with intellectual disabilities

Those parents who have to cope with the exit restrictions with mentally handicapped children face a very special challenge. In some countries, however, there are certain exceptions to the strict regulations. In Spain, for example, these allow people with autism spectrum disorders or other behavioral disorders to go out of the house for at least a short time. However, always with company.

These measures were taken there because certain negative behaviors could worsen especially in these children if they are not allowed out of the house for such a long time. These include things like self-harm, but also other behavioral problems such as aggressiveness. For example, some of the effects of restricted exit for children with intellectual disabilities include:

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  • Increased irritability
  • Outbursts of anger of great intensity
  • Non-acceptance of boundaries
  • Excessive motor restlessness
  • Increased aggressiveness

Exit restriction: ideas for children with intellectual disabilities

Particularly important: maintaining routines

In this exceptional situation in particular, one thing is particularly important: the usual routines must be maintained as far as possible. So, as a family, you should have a well-organized schedule for meals, personal hygiene, sleeping, and other activities. And that’s not just good for the children. It is also important and beneficial for adults.

You shouldn’t be asking too much in these circumstances

Even if you like to have everything under control, it will be complicated under these circumstances. For this reason, it is better to adjust your expectations a little during this exceptional situation and not to place too high demands on yourself or the others.

It’s better to set yourself and your family a few specific goals every day and not ask too much. Because in this way you will be able to enjoy the little achievements that everyone achieves together.

Convey security and trust and create a pleasant environment

A good idea for children with intellectual disabilities could also be the following: You can give them small tasks and thus responsibility. For example, by helping you set the table or filling the washing machine, etc. You can also play games together that the children are particularly good at. Because that gives them the feeling of security and they feel valued and recognized.

Also a good idea: exercise for children with intellectual disabilities

During this time in particular, sufficient physical activity is important for children with intellectual disabilities. This makes the exit restriction a little easier to bear.

You can achieve this with different games, for example. It is important that these involve a lot of movement and that the children can release energy. So you could play tickling games or ball games. But yoga for children is also a good option, or you can create a small obstacle course with the things you have at home.

The main thing is that the little ones move. Because this way you can avoid certain problematic behaviors such as outbursts of anger. This is because these often occur when children are unable to get enough exercise for a long time.

Easier through the exit restriction with creativity

Of course, promoting creativity is always important for children with intellectual disabilities and that is even more true during this time. So you can take the opportunity and suggest games that are new and attractive to the children. For example, you can do handicrafts together. Because there are thousands of ideas to choose from. You can always find something that can be adapted to the interests and preferences of each individual.

Also important: time to relax

As usual, it is important that there is time for the whole family to relax. And these can be things that everyone does for themselves, or joint activities. So maybe reading a book or watching a movie together. You can also play together or talk to friends … Everyone can choose what he or she wants and needs right now.

Boy listens to music

Plan time every day for the tasks that require the special concentration of children with intellectual disabilities

It is recommended that you also try to do the following: Do activities with the children similar to those they normally do in their therapeutic facilities. Because that way, you can help them maintain their routine. You will get closer to the goals you have set for yourself. It also makes it easier to return to the usual routine after this time of the exception restriction.

Another good idea: listen to music

If the child is restless, music can help them relax. It is best for the child to close their eyes. You can help him imagine beautiful things. You can also use music in other ways: You can dance or sing to music. It is important that the children like the music and that they have fun with it!

Don’t forget: healthy eating and natural sunlight are also important

During this time you cannot really go out with your children. But we all need natural sunlight and the vitamin D that comes with it. So it’s a good idea that you make sure your little ones get as much sun as possible. This can be outside in the garden or on the balcony, if necessary simply by a window.

It is just as important that you ensure that your family is eating healthy food. Because a healthy and balanced diet is essential for everyone to stay healthy. Of course, this also means that you drink enough fluids.

We hope these ideas and advice can help make the restricted exit period easier for parents and their children with intellectual disabilities. Of course, all of these tips can be extended to the rest of the children as well as the adults. Because these ideas can help everyone to stay physically and emotionally healthy during this complicated time.

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