Even If I Cry Secretly: I Have A Smile For My Child

When was the last time you secretly cried? Maybe it wasn’t long ago. However, you shouldn’t see this as a sign of weakness or a lack of self-confidence.
Even if I cry secretly: I have a smile for my child

When was the last time you secretly cried? Maybe it wasn’t long ago. However, you shouldn’t see this as a sign of weakness or a lack of self-confidence.

You just have to breathe a little, because everyday life with a child is usually hectic and exhausting. But you always have a smile ready for your child.

Crying is not a negative. It is quite normal for many women during pregnancy, the puerperium and in the first three years of a child’s life. This is not about a clinical problem. 

Crying from time to time to let off steam and to free yourself from tension., Has a catharic and even healing effect.

Raising a child often puts our endurance and strength to the test. Even if we have taken on various personal and professional tasks in the course of life, no one has prepared us for them.

The first child lets us experience fears and worries that we did not know before. Anyone who has a son or daughter faces new challenges every day.

Our doubts cannot always be answered by books. But our mother, friends or sisters can help with their own experience.

But every child and every family is a world of its own and experiences an extraordinary reality.

In addition, other aspects must also be taken into account:  finances, work, the happiness of the couple … And one must not forget about self-esteem and personal development.

It’s like a puzzle where all the pieces have to fit. We want everything to be perfect. And that leads to stress and nervousness. 

Why mothers secretly cry

Many will tell you that the hormones are to blame: “The need to secretly cry and constant mountain and valley drives are due to hormone fluctuations that are very common in mothers.”

Even when mothers secretly cry, they always have a smile for their child

Of course, hormone fluctuations can sometimes be involved. But there are many more factors that influence our feelings. 

Mothers and fathers who did not give birth themselves are also familiar with the emotional chaos that often tarnishes everyday life.

We will then go into more detail on the most common causes of emotional outbursts and secret crying:

Accumulated fatigue

Crying makes us aware that we are asking too much of ourselves. We can use it to free ourselves emotionally and then think with clarity again.

  • Lack of sleep and continuous care of the child often lead to physical and emotional exhaustion.
  • If you find yourself in this situation, you should seek help from your family so that you have more time to relax.

You’re not a bad mom just because you take an afternoon nap or take a relaxing bath while your partner or family takes care of your child.

Obviously the baby crying for no reason

The baby’s crying doesn’t only alert you and awaken your maternal instincts. It often leads to emotional chaos, because it is not always possible to find out why the little one is crying and what needs they have. 

crying baby

  • This situation is particularly common with first-time mothers. You feel stressed, which can trigger secret tears. 
  • You should seek advice from your pediatrician if you have any doubts. Babies usually cry when they have basic needs:  hunger, fear, the need for comfort and closeness, wet diapers …

Appearance problems

Motherhood changes the body: the woman gains weight and it is no longer easy to regain normal weight afterwards.

Fluid retention, a lumpy tummy, sagging breasts, stretch marks, varicose veins …  Many mothers don’t feel very attractive in front of the mirror. 

We tell ourselves that it doesn’t matter; that we are mothers and that this is the best gift. But even so, we sometimes just feel miserable and powerless. Because we hardly have time to take care of ourselves, to keep a diet or to do sports …

Sometimes mother in front of the mirror cries secretly

So many tasks and so little time!

You have a small child, have to go back to work, try to keep the household tidy and have countless tasks, worries and responsibilities.

  • You just don’t have time for anything! In these moments you reach your limits and only one thing helps:  You cry secretly, only for a few minutes, very briefly, to find peace and to relieve tension.

If you find yourself in this situation, try to change your rhythm and focus. Enjoy the here and now with your child, practice yoga, swimming or mindfulness. 

Even when I secretly cry, I always have a smile for my child

Crying secretly does not mean weakness. You are strong if you allow yourself these moments to free yourself from stress and worries, to get  a clear mind and to see things from a different perspective.

Mother with baby

  • Strong are those mothers or fathers who overcome their fears, endure worries and tensions in order to give their child the best. Relieving stress through tears is a healthy method. Because whoever cries (secretly) understands how important it is to express feelings and emotions.
  • You can also empathize with your child better,  you are close to him and learn with this experience.

    If you feel the need to cry, do it! After that the sun will shine again with more power! 

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