Effects Of Divorce On Children

Divorce has emotional, social, and financial consequences that affect the children as well. But what can be done so that the affected child can cope with this situation and does not suffer too much from it?
Effects of Divorce on Children

When you split up with your partner, you also need to consider the impact of divorce  on your child. Many children suffer greatly from the separation of their parents, which can negatively affect their entire future life if one does not act properly in this situation.

Divorce has emotional, social, and financial consequences that affect the children as well. But what can be done so that the affected child can cope with this situation and does not suffer too much from it?

We invite you to think about it with us today. 

Effects of Divorce on Children

When talking about the  effects of divorce  , one has to consider the age of the child. Although this step is associated with many radical changes  at any age , younger children still react differently than older ones. Experts often speak of four different sections:

  • 0-1 years
  • 2-3 years
  • 3-5 years
  • 6-12 years

There are no significant age-specific differences in adolescents between 13 and 17 years of age when it comes to coping with their parents’ divorce.

It should also be taken into account that children need special attention and care during this time. One should not assume that time heals all things.

Effects of divorce on children up to one year old

At this age, your child cannot understand what a divorce means. Even so, it suffers a lot and notices various changes. Babies are very sensitive and are of course also aware of a tense situation and negative emotions from their parents.

Of course, they also sense the absence of a parent and suffer from it.

Effects of Childhood Divorce

As a result, toddlers are usually irritable and often feel abandoned. It can also affect your sleeping and eating habits. Some babies also suffer from health problems as a result.

To prevent these consequences, parents should provide a quiet environment. The child must not be unnecessarily burdened by tension or arguments. It should keep doing activities with both parents. Sleeping and eating habits should not be changed. 

Effects of Divorce on Children Two to Three Years Old

At this age, children understand more than we usually think. They may not fully understand the reason for the divorce,  but the effects are usually very distressing.

It sees one parent no longer living at home, which mostly leads to sadness. It is very important to give the child stability and security anyway! This is not easy, but it is important to prevent consequences such as anger, feelings of guilt or sadness.

In this phase of life, children learn to speak and walk. Divorce could lead to delays in development. Control of the sphincter muscles or psychomotor functions can also be impaired.

It is therefore essential that the child feel the love of both parents, even if they no longer live together. It now needs a lot of affection and attention in particular! This is the only way to prevent them from feeling abandoned.

You should also be indulgent during this time and not scold the child too much. This could also lead to development delays. Help your child become independent and control themselves.

Effects of Divorce on Children Three to Five Years Old

At this age, children are very self-centered. Therefore, they can believe that they were responsible for the separation of their parents. This could make your child sad or depressed.

Therefore, you have to explain to him that it has nothing to do with the divorce and is in no way guilty. It also needs to know that despite the separation, both its mother and father will be there for it. 

Effects of divorce on children between the ages of six and twelve

During this time, school is very important for your child. It is no longer all about the child himself,  he must now also learn to understand the feelings of others and to be considerate of them.

Even so, children of this age usually find it difficult to express their own feelings. Especially when it comes to his parents’ divorce. Anger, fear, rejection, and other negative feelings can lead to loneliness.

It is important that you are in constant communication with their teachers so that your child’s academic performance does not suffer from the difficult situation at home. In addition, it has to learn  that mother and father will no longer live together. Because there is no turning back.

Childhood divorce

Divorce in adolescence

Young people depend heavily on the opinions of their social environment. They are no longer so strongly tied to their parents and are becoming more and more independent. 

As a result, they may be trying to manipulate you or others in order to take advantage of it. This can lead to very uncomfortable situations.

That is why good communication with the child’s father is essential even after the separation. The two parents must not make each other bad, but must act responsibly towards their children despite the divorce.

You always have to keep the best interests of the child in mind.  This is the only way it can develop properly without suffering unduly from the divorce. Do not forget that adolescents also react very sensitively during puberty and need a lot of love, even if they are already relatively independent!

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