Doing Homework Independently – How Do I Teach It?

If you want your child to do their homework on their own, the following tips will help you. 
Doing homework independently - how do I teach it?

One step towards independence for children is that they learn to do their homework independently. It is certainly a great responsibility and at the same time an important moment for the little ones to manage their time.

As a mom, you surely want to have a magic formula to encourage your kids to do their homework. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy! However, you should keep in mind that it is possible to teach children to do their homework independently if you use certain methods. Find out more below.

6 tips on how to teach your child to do their homework independently

The following tips will enable children to personalize their school activities:

1. Help you if necessary

The first piece of advice to teaching children to do homework is to show them a willingness to help them whenever they need it. This gives them the security of taking the first step and performing certain exercises on their own.

You should always be calm and friendly when you support them. Make sure to leave positive comments so the child doesn’t see the assignments as negative.

The beginning of autonomy depends very much on the age of the children. You should always support them to have a method that suits them. Instead of giving them the answers, it is best to help them answer questions themselves using the knowledge they have learned.

2. Stay positive

The fact is, children learn a lot from their parents. Parents who are positive and enthusiastic about the new knowledge should encourage children to persevere despite the difficulties. It also doesn’t hurt to motivate children to do better and to congratulate them on their commitment.

Do homework independently, dad helps

3. You have to be the main motivator

Children’s attitudes towards school work tend to be positive when their parents are involved. The sooner parents feel that they can support their children in learning, the more positive and appropriate are their influences.

By teaching the child the joy of learning, parents help them develop motivation and self-confidence. So everyone benefits from it!

4. Don’t put your child under pressure

If you want to teach children to do their homework independently, the first thing you should know is that younger children don’t know how to work under pressure or fear. Therefore, you should try not to put pressure on them.

For example, it is not appropriate to use phrases like, “You are not done yet” or “You have to do them now, they are due tomorrow” to children. to discourage. It’s counterproductive and these words can be more likely to block the kids’ thoughts.

You should also teach them the importance of doing their homework well and thoroughly, rather than doing it quickly and badly. As a mother, you have to help them cope with the consequences of a job that is not good or not given on time.

5. Identify specific areas for homework and study

It is advisable to designate specific areas such as the nursery, kitchen or dining table to avoid as many distractions as possible.

For this it is important that desks offer enough space for the necessary materials such as pens, paper, books and other things.

You can encourage your child to use a small book or notebook to write down homework in. This way there is no confusion about the levy.

Do homework independently

6. Organization

If you want your child to be organized, you need to invest enough time to help them learn a system of order. As a mother, it is your job to teach him a good method. If necessary, you have to indicate the direction and appropriate assistance.

Even if you think your child needs help with time management, you should show them skills and what it means to prioritize each task accordingly.

In short, you cannot force your child to do anything, let alone get them to go to school. Instead, the idea behind it should be to set boundaries, respect their individual decisions and motivate them.

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