Do Children Behave Worse In Front Of Their Parents?

You have probably already noticed that children behave like little angels outside the home, but the situation at home is completely different. Do children really behave worse when they are just with their parents?
Do children behave worse in front of their parents?

In this article, we’re going to take a close look at this topic and try to explain these differences in children’s behavior.

While it can be daunting to some mothers and fathers, these situations occur  frequently and for a variety of reasons. It is especially evident when parents leave children with their grandparents, uncles, aunts, or even nannies.

When they return, they expect to hear how bad their children have behaved and what outbursts of anger they had when they didn’t like their food. But then they have to find out that none of this really happened.

Indeed , the children have behaved admirably and the reports of their  behavior are impeccable. Then the parents begin to question things – including their own parenting skills.

How come some children behave worse in front of their parents?

Reasons why children behave worse in front of their parents

First of all, we need to recognize that the bond between a mother and her child is unique. This means that the child can express his emotions in front of his mother more freely and openly than with any other person.

This means that the child restrains his behavior a little more when surrounded by people with whom he is less familiar than with his mother.

In addition, the need for attention should not be ignored. Through crying, screaming, complaining, and even bad behavior, the child gets what it always wants: the mother’s attention.

This can even affect negative attention, as bad behavior often comes with punishment. But even so, it is not normal for the child to constantly misbehave in order to get the mother’s attention. This behavior should be corrected as appropriate.

Bad behavior

Do children behave better in front of their fathers?

Another common aspect is the fact that children often behave better in front of their fathers than they do in front of their mothers.

There are many theories on this subject. This includes the assumption that fathers spend less time with their children and that they are therefore more likely to have fun. Another theory is that mothers have “less authority”.

In fact, this has a lot to do with what we’ve already touched on. Because mothers are the closest people to their children, they become people they can trust.

As a result, children naturally develop the feeling that they have the right to express their wishes in a way that would not be acceptable in front of other people.

Mothers are the ones children turn to when they need something. They also let them know when they are worried, wrong is happening, or they are uncomfortable.

But this can also lead to bad behavior.

Your child is misbehaving: how to deal with it

After looking at the causes, the question still remains: How can parents deal with these situations? The following pieces of advice might help you if you’re struggling with a similar problem.

Give your children time and attention

This is the first step in a healthy relationship with your little ones. Spend time with them, help with their homework, and most importantly, have fun with your kids.

Another method that is often successful involves letting them participate in your decision-making process. Children often behave worse in front of their parents because they don’t get the freedom they need.

Therefore, it can be a good idea to ask their opinions when it comes to shopping for clothes, choosing food, or choosing other leisure activities. This gives the children the feeling that their opinion is heard and valued.

Control your reactions

Getting into a power struggle with your children will only make the problem worse.

It’s an even worse idea to tell them that they are only behaving so badly in front of you – it will give them the impression that they are manipulating you with their behavior.

Instead, keep your calm and suggest peaceful solutions to them when you find yourself in a conflict. Try to have a positive and accommodating attitude.

Bad behavior

Be an authority figure

However, the two suggestions above don’t mean that you should just put up with bad behavior. You need to set clear boundaries and explain that your children have no choice but to accept them and that their outbursts of anger do not lead to anything good.

While you should be open to negotiation on some things, there are others – such as homework – where there is nothing to negotiate. Even if it’s difficult, you have to make it clear to your child.

It is a common problem that children behave badly in front of their parents. The most important thing is that you respond directly and appropriately in these cases.

This will prevent unhealthy behaviors from developing in the relationship between you and your children.

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