DIY Toys: Guaranteed Fun For Your Children

With DIY toys, children spend less time in front of the screen. You also stimulate their creativity and protect the environment.
DIY toys: Guaranteed fun for your children

DIY toys  (from the English: do it yourself = homemade)  have many advantages. They can stimulate your children’s creativity, entertain them without technology, and spark their interest in the environment.

It also saves you money. In this article, we’re going to give you some great ideas to start making your own DIY toys.

DIY toys: fun guaranteed

Do you want your kids to have fun with homemade toys? Do you want to teach them about recycling and environmental protection? Do you also find it ridiculous to spend tons of money on toys that are boring again after a short time?

If you answered “yes” to all of these questions, then DIY toys are for you.

In addition to the above benefits  , they’re also a great way to spend some time with the family without screens and technology.

Here are a few great ideas:

1. Castles and rockets made of cardboard and empty toilet paper rolls

Toilet paper and kitchen towels contain cardboard rolls that often end up in the trash. If you collect these, you can use them to make great DIY toys for your children.

For example,  you can use it to build a dream castle. Just take three or four of these rolls and cut them into different lengths. You can make the roof out of cardboard.

At the end you can paint the castle together. For example, as if it were made of bricks.

A rocket, on the other hand  , only needs a cardboard roll, a cone-shaped lid and a cardboard base. You can color them however you or your child likes.

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2. DIY: puppets and marionettes

Small children find puppet shows very entertaining. Especially when they can even be responsible for creating the characters of the story and then putting together a show for the whole family.

You can use old gloves or socks to create dolls. The eyes and hair are glued on from cardboard and wool.

If you want to make a puppet, you will also need thread, a stick or branch, cardboard and glue. The design process is pretty simple.

First  you make the doll. Then you tie your arms and legs to the stick with thread. The puppet comes to life when you move the strings.

3. DIY: Geometric shapes and colors

Depending on your child’s age,  you can teach them colors, numbers, letters and even shapes using DIY toys. You don’t need a lot of materials for it.

For example, you can  cut out geometric shapes out of thick cardboard. Then you can also cut out cards and paint one card and one shape in the same color.

Your child can then pick out the pairs and learn about colors and shapes at the same time.

4. The fishing game

With a little imagination and creativity, you can conjure up some wonderful games for your kids.

An example of this is a fishing game with fish made of cloth. Cut fish out of old clothes. It’s easy!

For the fish’s mouth, you use a loop made of wool. As a fishing rod, you need a stick, some thread and a hook that you can make from a paper clip or something similar.

Then put the “fish” on the ground or in an inflatable children’s pool (without water, of course).

Your child can then stand or sit on a chair and try to catch the fish by inserting the hook into the wool loop. 

This game offers hours of fun and can also be played as a competition.

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DIY toys: fun for all ages

There are DIY toys for all ages. It all depends on what you have at home and how much imagination you have.

We recommend keeping some of the above materials in a box or bag. On rainy days, you can take them out when the toys you bought have gotten boring.

What should you keep in this box? Plastic bottles, lids, cardboard, threads, boxes, colored paper, buttons. .. everything that you would otherwise throw in the trash, but can be recycled.

Your kids will love doing something different for a change, and you can make these toys together as a family and then have fun with them.

Without a doubt, DIY toys are a great idea for creating a world of adventure. They give children the opportunity to enjoy something that they have made themselves.

If your children are very young, take some time making these toys for them. You can then surprise her with a wonderful gift.

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