Discover The Most Widely Spoken Languages ​​of The Future

English, Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin), Russian … Nowadays there are many major world languages ​​in terms of the number of speakers and users. As our children prepare for the world of work, it is a good idea to learn one of the most widely spoken languages.

Those who can speak more than one language can consider themselves lucky, as this ability is becoming more and more valuable. This applies in the academic field as well as in the labor market and in the business world. But what are the most widely spoken languages ​​of the future?

Most businesses and employers don’t just want to see a second language on a resume or diploma. Rather, they want to make sure that applicants are at an advanced level that meets their expectations.

Managing directors and managers often conduct their own assessments or interviews in the target language. English continues to be the top priority in job requirements. In addition, it is the third most widely spoken language in the world. However, this is likely to change in the future.

Below we’re going to look at various elements to find out which languages ​​will be most widely spoken in the future. Perhaps this is a stimulus for you to learn one of them yourself? Or invite your child to learn a new language together. 

The 6 most spoken languages ​​of the future

Mandarin Chinese

The interest in Mandarin Chinese has increased worldwide in the last few years and the study of this language has consequently increased by leaps and bounds. It is the mother tongue of a billion people and the most widely spoken language in the world.

In the future, Mandarin Chinese will be the most widely spoken and valued language in the world. This is because it is the official language of the country that has the greatest population growth on the planet. China is also expected to become the most powerful country in the world economically.

Experts estimate that in a few years’ time, Chinese will be the second most common language needed for a job after English. Not long after that, Chinese will have replaced English and will be the most common language. Because China’s economic activity plays an increasingly important role in all areas, especially with regard to technology.

Most Chinese business people who work in international companies speak English or use interpreters. The ability to speak and use their own language would no doubt be a much appreciated asset. If you’re considering learning a new language, Mandarin Chinese is definitely an excellent option.


English continues to be one of the most widely spoken and important languages ​​in the world. It is the mother tongue of 400 million people and the most widely studied language in the world. There is no doubt that English is an extremely important language for businesses and the Internet.

Even if it looks like Mandarin Chinese will eventually take its place, English will continue to be a language of great importance. Because it is the official language of some of the largest economic powers in the world. At the same time , it is the language of diplomacy – and it is expected that it will stay that way.

Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world

Spanish is also one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world (second most common). It is the mother tongue of 500 million people and the official language in 22 countries. In addition , Spanish is the second most widely learned language after English.

Experts believe that the importance of the Spanish language will last and even increase in the long term. Indeed, many Spanish-speaking countries are among the growing economic powers, mainly in Latin America. Therefore, Spanish will undoubtedly be one of the most widely spoken languages ​​of the future.

Arabic is in the top 5 most spoken languages

Currently, Arabic is the fifth most widely spoken language in the world and the official language in 23 countries. And the future of the Arabic language looks very promising.

The Middle East is experiencing impressive economic development, especially in Dubai. As a result, many companies focus on this region of the world. Learning Arabic is not an easy task, but it is a great investment for the future.


Hindi is now the fourth most common language in the world – 380 million people speak this language. Experts believe that Hindi will be one of the most widely used languages ​​in the future. This will happen because India, along with its rapidly growing population, is one of the emerging economies and has the greatest potential for growth.


Currently, Russian is the seventh most widely spoken language. At the same time, it is the official language of the largest economy in Europe and the fifth largest economy in the world – according to the World Bank.

The Russian economy is expected to remain strong and experience strong growth. The increase in the standard of living in Russia has also led the population to seek business, tourism and entertainment activities in Europe and America.

Bottom line: When our children decide to learn a new language or have to choose one in school, there are many options and variables that need to be considered. Always remember that this is a factor that can have a huge impact on your academic future and beyond.

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