Dad, You Are Pregnant Too!

As a father, you probably don’t have a big belly, but you’re pregnant too! In nine months you will become the father of a little human being around whom your world will revolve. He will bring you joy and make you proud. 
Dad, you are pregnant too!

As a father, you probably don’t have a big belly, but you’re  pregnant too! In nine months you will become the father of a little human being around whom your world will revolve. He will bring you joy and make you proud.

It is your responsibility to build a loving bond with your child and to accompany and support the mother throughout pregnancy and delivery.

In the beginning you will have a lot of doubts and be nervous,  but use every moment from day one, especially if you are becoming a father for the first time.

The mother is certainly the focus of all attentions, but without you the pregnancy would be much more complicated for her. You are their support and their strength.

It is your job to be understanding and loving and to accompany the mother. With every mistake and every hit you will learn to be a father.

It is not always easy for a father to integrate during pregnancy. But the mother has to support this from the start. But how?

Dad, you are pregnant too!


Talk to your partner about expectations, fears and desires, about all the ideas that the arrival of your child arouses in you. He should feel good, because after all, as a father, he is also the main actor.

You can exchange opinions and talk about the fears that arise from the new role. Let your partner actively participate in all of the changes that occur during pregnancy. He is your friend and accomplice. 

Father and baby

Caresses and conversations with the child

At first, the father may be a little shy or doubt about talking to or caressing the baby inside, especially if he is not very expressive.

In this case, intimate moments are perfect  for building a relationship with and communicating with the little belly-dweller. 

Doctors also recommend stimulating the baby while it is still in the womb in  order to build an emotional bond and promote the child’s healthy development.

Dad, you are  pregnant too! Do not doubt it for a moment. Your love and emotions are necessary for your child to grow up healthy.

During pregnancy, the mother is very sensitive as she goes through many physical changes. To relieve tension and nervousness while strengthening family ties, you can pamper them and stimulate the baby at the same time. 

Without pressure

Not only is the mother expecting the child, the father is also pregnant and is going through various changes. Although these are different and not so clear, they are still very important.

Everyone experiences emotions in different ways, but they are equally valuable. The father should therefore also show the mother his own kind of fatherhood.

A positive attitude from the mother is also very important. As a mother, you shouldn’t put any pressure on your father because everyone reacts differently and has different times. 

Doctor’s appointments and delivery

The doctor’s appointments are exciting and very emotional. Because the parents can watch the growing baby. It is therefore important that the father is also present at the regular check-ups. He will learn a lot about the baby’s development and will often be very amazed.

The father’s participation in childbirth is still controversial. If he shows interest in the birth and shares this unique moment with the mother, he can develop a very special relationship with his child from the very first moment.

pregnant woman with father who is also pregnant

Baby shower and choice of name

In recent years, an American tradition has come into vogue with us: the baby shower or “baby shower”, when it “rains” gifts for parents and baby. Here the father also has the opportunity to feel important.

The father should also be actively involved in decorating the room and buying the first things for the baby. That’ll be fun for him!

The choice of the child’s name must be made by both parents. Some fathers leave this decision to the mother,  or vice versa. In any case, it is important that both of you feel comfortable with the chosen name.

Pregnancy is not always easy, but waiting times can still be wonderful for the couple. Mutual support, company and future plans make this time unique. Being a father is a unique and wonderful experience.

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