Coronavirus: Hygiene Recommendations For The Little Ones Too

The novel corona virus is currently causing a stir around the world. I’m sure you have a lot of open questions too. Here are some facts on the subject. And general hygiene recommendations, also for the youngest of the family.

The new type of corona virus is ringing all alarm bells worldwide. In many countries, normal life is either paralyzed or severely impaired. Thousands of cases are reported around the world. In this article you will find some general facts on the subject as well as important hygiene recommendations, also for the youngest of the family.

Coronavirus: hygiene recommendations

Briefly explained: what is the novel coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses. These usually affect animals. There are many different types of viruses within this family  and some of them can mutate and infect humans.

This is exactly the case with the novel strain of the coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2. This strain was first identified in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019. Because this virus is relatively easy to spread from person to person, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of cases worldwide.

What are the symptoms?

In many infected people, the infection is completely symptom-free. This means that those affected do not show any signs of illness. The most common symptoms are mild, unspecific symptoms such as: B. with a normal cold. This is especially true for children.

How dangerous is the coronavirus for children

The most common symptoms are mainly dry cough, fever, and shortness of breath. Muscle pain, fatigue and general malaise can also occur.

However, as I said, this is not always the case. In rare cases this virus can lead to pneumonia, in extreme cases even death from lung failure. However, these serious cases mainly occur in the special risk groups within the population. These include B. old people or people with a weakened immune system.

How is the coronavirus transmitted?

The virus is transmitted between people through small particles that move through the air. This is also called droplet infection. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, they expel these particles in the process. And these can spread 1 or 2 meters. In addition, the virus can be transmitted even if the infected person is not symptomatic.

These particles can be left on everyday objects such as tables, doorknobs, etc., or hit another person directly. If an uninfected person touches an object infected by these droplets and then touches their eyes, nose or mouth, the virus can invade that person’s organism.

Is there any treatment?

So far, there is no specific treatment available to cure illness caused by this virus. But some antivirals are being tested. These seem to work, especially when used in severe cases.

Otherwise, treatment will focus on relieving symptoms. So if there is pain or a fever, these symptoms are treated with pain relievers and antipyretic drugs.

It must be taken into account that it is a virus. Therefore , antibiotics are ineffective  and it is the wrong measure to use them for prevention or treatment.

Hygiene recommendations to avoid infection

These hygiene recommendations are important for everyone: for the youngest in the family as well as for the adults. Because it depends on them whether you can avoid becoming infected. So some things you should do are:

  • You should avoid touching the face all the time. Especially the mouth, nose and eyes.
  • You should also use disposable handkerchiefs in the family and dispose of them after each use. If you don’t have a tissue,  you have to sneeze and cough in the crook of your arm.
  • And the most important measure: proper hand hygiene. So thorough hand washing.

Hygiene Recommendations: Why Is Hand Hygiene So Important?

The hands are the part of the body that we constantly use for everything. With them we touch different objects as well as other people and ourselves. Therefore they are the most common transmission medium.

Hand washing is essential to reduce the risk of infection. Therefore, it is necessary that everyone wash their hands several times a day. But especially after certain situations such as:

  • Before and after going to the toilet.
  • After sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose.
  • After contact with someone who sneezes or coughs.
  • When touching objects or surfaces in public spaces. Like handrails in the subway or on the bus.
  • Before the meal.

It is important to wash your hands at the right time, including wiping all fingers, the back of the hand, and the palms of the hands with soap and water. Because this is the only way that no dirt remains. If necessary, the process should be repeated. Then you should dry your hands with a paper towel.

These hygiene recommendations are important – for everyone in the family

In fact, these basic hygiene recommendations are important for everyone in the family. Therefore, you should definitely teach them to your children. Because this is how you can use them in your everyday life. This is important so that even the smallest ones can behave correctly and act themselves. And of course, you should also tell them to let an adult know if they experience any of the symptoms. Only in this way can the necessary measures be taken.

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