Children Who Talk Too Much In Class

If your child chats too much in class, know that you can change this behavior. In this article, we’ll give you a few tips on how to achieve this goal. Take notes!
Children who talk too much in class

Children who talk too much in class  may have attention deficit disorders. This can negatively affect their school grades.

On the one hand, this behavior shows that the child has many friends and socializes well. On the other hand, there is no time in class to demonstrate this ability. 

These situations are particularly difficult for parents. They are not in the classroom and cannot control or regulate their child’s behavior.

The most important thing is to find a way to motivate your child. Help him understand the importance of being careful in school.

If you want your child to change their mindset,  you need to start with a conversation. Ask them why they get distracted so easily and why they’re one of those kids who gossips too much in class.

Also, try to motivate your child to listen to the teacher and save their conversations for the break. When your child has explained themselves without you interrupting them, try to work on it together.

Find out why

In order to correct certain habits,  you need to find out the reason behind them. Among other things, one of the following could be causing the problem:

  • Your child feels that class is the only time they get attention. Be it through the teacher or through the classmates.
  • Boredom because the subject matter is too simple and you want to challenge it more.
  • Difficulty following the class  because it is too difficult and your child does not understand everything.
  • It has a very talkative friend sitting next to it.
  • Your child needs constant breaks  to move around and get rid of their excess energy.
  • Not interested in listening to the teacher.
  • The teacher is not good at explaining certain things.
  • Your child is new to school  and is still overwhelmed with the new situation.

Practice at home with your child

If you want your child to improve their behavior, you need to practice with them at home. You can practice habits by making your child wait and listen. In this way it learns to control its impulses.

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For example, don’t let your child talk in-between conversations. If your child talks too much, remind them that now is not their time; it is time to let someone else have their say.

Additionally, you may need to remind them every now and then to calm down and control themselves. Do this in a natural and respectful way, not as if you are punishing your child.

You can also play games that are played in sequence. Board games are a great way to learn to take turns.

You can also create your own speaking and listening games by taking turns telling each other stories.

What to do with children who chat too much in class?

If you have kids chatting too much in class, it may be due to an attention disorder or your child is distracted. You should work on it at home. Here are a few tips:

1. Keep a quiet household

Our first tip is  that at home you try not to yell at your child and not to lose your temper. Maintaining a calm and peaceful household helps minimize distractions.

2. Reduce distractions at home

To help children not get distracted,  we recommend limiting the amount of time in front of the screen. It can severely limit their ability to concentrate.

You should also keep track of the time spent  playing video games or electronic devices. This will help him concentrate better in class. 

3. Visual and hearing impairments

If your child starts having problems at school,  you should take them to the doctor for a vision and hearing test. Sometimes the attention problems result from poor eyesight or hearing.

4. Remain positive in front of your children

If possible,  we recommend that you avoid arguing in front of your children. Discussions have a huge impact on your child and make it difficult for them to be careful at school.

It is also important that you share positive moments and experiences with your child. This will avoid future sources of anxiety and, therefore, distractions.

5. Spend time with your child

It is very important that you spend time with your child every day and do something with them. For example, read a story with him, play a game or draw something together.

This helps them discover their interests and learns to focus on a single activity.

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6. Create rules

It’s important to have rules at home so your child doesn’t have attention problems . Children, but also parents, must follow these rules. 

Parents have to agree on rules that affect their child and support each other. If parents always disagree, it’s not good for children who already have trouble concentrating.

Ultimately,  you need to know that it is entirely possible  to change your child’s behavior at school. With patience and dedication, your child will also manage to stop chatting so much at school.

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