Children Need A Fixed Daily Routine

Although it is often not easy for parents to stick to schedules, routine in everyday life helps their children to cope with the day confidently. This also includes regulated eating and sleeping times.
Children need a fixed daily routine

Children need a well-structured daily routine  and routines that give them stability and security. This is also important for their academic performance. 

Although it is often not easy for parents to stick to schedules, routine in everyday life helps their children to cope with the day confidently. This also includes regulated eating and sleeping times.

Children can orient themselves better through the regular  daily routine  and adopt healthy habits that give them emotional balance and facilitate the upbringing and development of their personality.

Regular practice of certain activities also favors childhood virtues. With this in mind, it is important to encourage a positive environment so that the child can develop healthily. Father and mother are an important guide. The result: a responsible and reliable child. 

But when should you start with a fixed daily routine? From birth, it is important to incorporate routines into everyday life so that the baby gets used to them. Of course you need a lot of patience and love, but the excellent results will surprise you! 

A fixed daily routine has many advantages

Do not forget the children's pool in the daily routine

If you incorporate regular routines into your daily routine, remember that you  don’t have to force your child to do specific tasks. Rather, it is a lot of dedication and love that gradually bring the little one to internalize daily habits and do them by themselves.

With this method, you can teach your child important values ​​that will help them achieve goals.

A regular, structured daily routine has many advantages: 

A structured daily routine gives the child security

Children need to identify important things and experiment with their abilities to achieve them. With your guidance, your baby can explore his environment and learn how to relate to it. Repetitive routines give him security. 

Children discover order

Children have to slowly learn what order means and how important it is. If you do systematic activities with your baby, they will get the message very quickly! 

Repetitive rituals 

With a fixed daily routine, the child already knows what is next in line. It feels safe and secure in its environment. Teach your child the importance of tidying up toys and help them do so. 

It is motivated by it and will soon take the initiative.

Regular daily routine: hygiene, eating, sleeping habits 

These aspects, which are important in everyday life, need regular times. Your child learns that certain situations have to be repeated and carried out over and over again at the same time.

Organize thoughts

In the first six years children absorb an incredible amount of new things. This is why it is important to help them organize their thoughts! A fixed daily routine can be very beneficial.

A regular daily routine makes it easier for the child to understand time

If certain things are always done at the same time, it will be easier for your child to get an idea of ​​the time and to internalize the sense of time.

Building the personality

Regularity and routine also enable your child to develop a confident personality.

Rudolf Dreikurs, an American educator and psychiatrist, points out that  observing fixed times of the day is as important for children as having a roof over their heads. Because routines also mean limits and stability in life.

How can you achieve a fixed daily routine?

How can you achieve a fixed daily routine?

Start with yourself! Experts assure that you can make things a habit in 21 days. So the effort is worth it. Make sure you incorporate healthy habits into your daily routine.

You can then set specific times of the day to build routines into your child’s everyday life. It will gradually get used to the habits of the parents and also know its own daily routine. Certain noises already indicate what is next in line.

The child has to get used to bathing times, eating habits and fixed sleeping times. However, you have to be strict about this, even if your child does not feel like going to bed.

Don’t forget that being a role model is very important so that your little one can imitate you. You are his most important guide! Take your child by the hand and teach them healthy habits that are integrated into the daily routine. 

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