Children Love Dinosaurs – Why?

Airplanes, princesses, animals, unicorns … Children have all sorts of interests when they grow up. A phase that almost everyone goes through is the dinosaur phase. Children love dinosaurs, and we’re finding out why.
Children love dinosaurs - why?

Children love dinosaurs. That much is certain. Many children collect them and build up a whole crowd. But with these animals there is also a world of its own to discover.

These prehistoric reptiles existed and existed in various forms. From small wild birds of prey to gentle giants that only eat plants. Children love dinosaurs .

Children love dinosaurs. But the era of these animals fascinates people of all ages. Adults too.

The passion for these animals is often sparked by a film or books. Their appearance is similar to that of a dragon and thus captivates the attention of the little ones. But older children also enjoy exciting films like Jurassic Park.

Science has already dispelled some myths about these animals. And yet dinosaurs live on in children’s minds.

In this article we get to the bottom of this fascination.

Children love dinosaurs – why actually?

1. You dream of being just as strong

Dinosaurs are known to be strong, vigorous, and almost invincible. These are of course characteristics that every child wants to have.

Power and strength are aspects that children admire and consider desirable. Especially when they get bigger and discover the world. They look up to beings and creatures who know how to defend themselves and imitate them.

When children play and take on the role of dinosaurs, they experiment with these traits. This also allows them to discover new sides of their own personality.

Children love dinosaurs

2. The mystery of their disappearance fascinates children

Children’s interest in dinosaurs is also related to their sudden and unexplained disappearance. 

This is also a phenomenon that captivates people of all ages. In addition, it is still the subject of scientific debate. Such questions are just interesting for children.

In a sense, dinosaurs belong in the same category as magical creatures. They are like characters from a science fiction film. They are neither real, like a wolf or an elephant, nor are they entirely invented, like a dragon.

Dinosaurs have a place of their own in children’s minds. They are beings that once existed but can no longer be found.

3. You are proud to be an expert!

Maybe you’ve heard the story from the Natural History Museum in London? The museum admitted to having mixed up information about one of the objects on display. And why? A little 10-year-old boy pointed this out.

The child was in the museum with his family when they noticed the mistake. The name of one of the dinosaurs was wrong. He pointed this out to a museum attendant. The museum then checked its sources and recognized the error.

Imagine how proud children are when they can impress their parents by rattling off one of the long and complicated names. They know every dinosaur and they collect books and characters. 

Young fans of this species pay close attention to every documentary.

Your child’s knowledge will often surprise you. The satisfaction of being an expert spurs children on to learn more.

4. They build a bridge to the past

Dinosaurs represent the past. A time before mom and dad and also before the grandparents. It’s been so long that it’s hard to imagine.

Children are curious. They want to know something about the origin of the world. How was it in those days? Who were the first people?

Children who are interested in dinosaurs understand that these beasts belong to a world that extends beyond the known. This is something positive and a good stimulus for a young brain.

Children love dinosaurs

5. Dinosaurs do not cause fear

Children love dinosaurs. This is also due to the fact that these no longer exist. These gigantic lizards ruled the earth long before humans existed. That also takes away the threat from them.

The fact that dinosaurs are no longer to be found on this planet is very comforting for children. They know that these monsters of the past cannot come and attack. And it doesn’t matter how wild they used to be.

Keep in mind that children go through phases. Check out her gifts from last birthday. You have put it aside again. The same may soon be the case with the dinosaur obsession.

Even if your child’s fascination with dinosaurs is temporary, it can be good and fun for both of you.

When children learn about dinosaurs, they also learn about the world and history. They feed their creativity and acquire new knowledge. Often it is the spark that arouses a passion for science.

And who knows – maybe you have an offspring – paleontologists in the family!

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