Breathing Exercises For Children: Helpful Tips

Proper breathing is the key to relaxation and control. For this reason we have prepared a few breathing exercises that you can try out with your child.
Breathing Exercises for Children: Helpful Tips

Today we present you different breathing exercises for children that are simple and efficient to achieve mental and physical relaxation. It will teach your child to recognize their feelings, to relax, and to control their emotions.

Encourage your child to pause every now and then and do these breathing exercises consciously. It will improve its well-being and will continue to benefit from it in the future.

The best breathing exercises for kids

1. Breathing exercises for children: flower breathing

Your child is sitting cross-legged on the floor. Then it closes its eyes and tunes into the rhythm of its breathing. It imagines holding a flower. Then it takes a deep breath, as if it were smelling the flower. As you exhale, your child imagines that they are blowing away the flower.

Your child repeats this deep inhalation and gentle exhalation for a few minutes. With this light breathing exercise, he will become more aware of his own breathing.

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2. Breathing exercises for children: Breathe deeply into your stomach

To practice this type of breathing, your child should choose a comfortable upright position. It places the right hand on the stomach and the left on the chest. Now take four deep breaths and then exhale through your nose with your mouth closed. This exercise will help your child feel their stomach rise and fall.

This breathing exercise is done for a few minutes. Your child can relax while thinking about other things. After a few repetitions, it will rush to this exercise all by itself and notice how it feels more comfortable.

3. Elephant breathing

This is one of the most fun breathing exercises for kids. At the same time  , it is very light and your child can even have fun while doing it. Your child stands upright on the floor and opens their legs slightly. Then it stretches its arms forward while exhaling and brings the palms of the hands to the ground, which is like an elephant’s trunk. Then it takes a deep breath through its nose and straightens up again. He puts his hands over his head and repeats this exercise three times.

4. Balloon breathing

This is an exercise in which children relax while using their imaginations. Your child should simply sit comfortably cross-legged and put their hands on their mouth. Then it breathes in deeply through its nose and out through its mouth as if it were blowing a giant balloon.

After exhaling, it breathes in slowly again, imagining the balloon in the air.

Breathing exercises for children - breathing exercises for children

5. Children’s breathing exercises: bunny breathing

Another  fun and easy exercise to help children breathe more consciously. The child pretends to be a bunny and sniffs the air for other bunnies, carrots, and safe shelter. It simply breathes in and out consciously through its nose.

Without a doubt, this is  the best breathing exercise if your child is in a bad mood and cannot concentrate properly on the other exercises above. 

Breathing exercises can help calm your child and control panic attacks. However, you need patience and a little time so that your child understands the various exercises.

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