Avoiding Stress In Childhood: 8 Tips

More and more children are suffering from stress. But this evil can be prevented very easily, the parents are responsible for it. 
How to Avoid Childhood Stress: 8 Tips

Modern society demands a lot from our children. That is why it is necessary to take certain measures  to prevent childhood stress .

School assignments, responsibilities at home and in school, leisure activities and the pressure to meet standards put many children in daily stress.

It is therefore an important task of parents to teach their offspring how to behave in these situations in order  to avoid stress in childhood 

In addition, the parents must of course also ensure that the child is not unnecessarily overloaded!

If you see sudden changes in your child’s mood or behavior, you should investigate the cause. Irritability, nervousness or physical discomfort can all indicate stress in childhood. 

Other signs can include insomnia, a lack of appetite, or a lack of motivation. If you have these symptoms, we recommend that you use the following strategies.

Preventing childhood stress

1. Reduce speed and pressure in everyday life

Children who have no time for relaxation and boredom in everyday life never come to rest. Your children should have time in the morning  to quietly eat breakfast and prepare before they leave the house.

If the day starts with a bad mood, hurry and forgetfulness,  the children are already stressed in the morning. Therefore, try to prepare everything the evening before and start the day calmly.

2. Don’t miss an opportunity to talk to your child!

You need to know how your child is feeling, whether they are under pressure or under excessive strain. Ask them about their everyday school life, rule out bullying in school and always be attentive. 

Even if you cannot and should not solve all of their problems, you have to support and help your child.

Childhood stress

3. Reduce extracurricular activities to prevent childhood stress

Many parents enroll their children in a myriad of extracurricular activities: Sports, artistic and other activities are very important  in promoting the interests and talents of the child. But children also need time to be children!

The activities and responsibilities shouldn’t become too much for your child, as this promotes stress in childhood. You are doing your child no good! 

4. Be a role model through your own behavior

As we have already mentioned in various posts, parents are the most important role models and masters. If you want your child to learn how to react in a healthy way in difficult situations, you should be a role model!

Use difficulties to  teach your child that an open, optimistic perspective is very beneficial during these moments. 

Other recommendations against childhood stress

5. Healthy sleeping habits 

Children need adequate sleep and a good quality of sleep. This is because, among other things, they are better equipped against stress in childhood. It  will also make them more productive in school. 

6. Limit the use of technological devices

Children who spend a long time in front of display devices are more prone to stress. Motivate your offspring for other activities and keep them away from the TV and smartphone as much as possible. There is nothing more relaxing than quality family time!

7. Breathing techniques

It’s never too early to start breathing techniques, yoga, or mindfulness, especially if you want to avoid childhood stress. These activities can help your child find peace of mind.

You can also just start teaching him deep breaths so that he can learn to balance his emotions.

Childhood stress

8. Do sports with your child

Muscle tension develops when you are stressed, so exercise is  very helpful in channeling energy in a healthy way and in harmonizing  body and mind.

A walk in the fresh air, cycling or ball games are sufficient.

In addition, you should be attentive and observe possible changes in your child’s behavior. If you see that these are not moving within the normal range, you should seek professional help. Talk to the school psychologist, family counselor, or private psychologist.

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