Are Children Born Or Raised To Be An Egoist?

We humans are selfish by nature, but also show solidarity and friendship. 
Are children born or raised as egoists?

Today’s post is about whether a child is born as an  egoist or how this behavior is encouraged through upbringing. Today we invite you to reflect on this subject with us. 

Selfish by nature?

Everyone is an egoist sometimes because nobody is perfect. Sometimes we don’t like to lend certain things to others or just don’t feel like helping. But when we don’t support others to improve their quality of life, we are selfish.

Some studies show the tendency to always think of yourself and to use the weaknesses of others in your own favor. One often speaks of an “egoistic gene” that shapes us.

The discovery of the selfish gene is a modern contribution to evolutionary theory that explains why we have selfish feelings. While we’re  pre-programmed to be selfish, that doesn’t mean using it as an excuse to actually act like that! 

Helping others should be normal in life and in everyday life, because if we are altruistic, we are better people. But now back to the beginning: We humans are selfish by nature, but we also show solidarity and are friendly. 

We are made up of a mixture of feelings and values ​​that keep flourishing. Therefore it is mostly in the hands of the parents  to raise their children in such a way that they find balance and learn to be generous.

Children are not born selfishness

Solidarity or selfish?

If you have several children, you probably know what happens when they argue. Toys, sweets, a TV program, or your attention can all be the cause of an argument. If everyone wants something at the same time, they will fight for it too.

But when there are siblings,  children also learn the importance of sharing. They exchange their possessions, share their love with their parents and eat the same bread.

In kindergarten too, children learn to share and communicate with others. They play with their peers on a daily basis and share toys and space.

We then take a closer look at why parenting is so important to avoid selfish behavior. The question is why a child becomes an egoist.


If a child is too cared for in the first phase of life  , this can lead to emotional and behavioral disorders. 

But if you suddenly get an overprotected child out of the air bubble, for example because the protective parent is no longer there, or because a little sibling is born who needs a lot of attention, the child can feel abandoned.

However, the feeling of abandonment can in turn lead to selfishness. When the child regains sufficient attention, they will no longer share it with others.

Many children who are born with a physical disorder also experience too much protection. For example, it often happens that a deaf child is mothered far too much, both by adults and by other children. The rest of the family can treat the child in a very special way to make them feel comfortable and happy.

The deaf child will feel that it has privilege inside and outside the family. And it will believe that it always and from everyone deserves this attention and always comes first. A little egoist develops.

A child is not born as an egoist, it is made to be

two girlfriends on a meadow

In order to raise your child well and to prevent them from developing into an egoist, we have put together a few tips for you.

  • You have to show him the  importance of friendships and how to be a good friend yourself. 
  • Of course, you also have to stop protecting your child too much!
  • If your child has physical problems, it will not help them if they are constantly hanging on the tip of your skirt. Sooner or later it has to get along with its fellow human beings and become independent, make mistakes and learn from them. Like it or not, it will sometimes make wrong decisions, love and suffer, experiment life.

Don’t raise your child in selfishness. It should learn from an early age to share, to love others, to be empathetic and generous. 

It also has to learn to give without getting anything in return. Teach your child how beautiful it is to give presents to others and to see the joy when they receive the presents.

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