Advantages Of The Kangaroo Method For Babies

The kangaroo method for babies is becoming increasingly popular with mothers. An intense bond with mother and father is very important for the baby.
Benefits of the kangaroo method for babies

For some children, poor school grades or even depression can result in later years if they do not feel sufficiently connected to their parents. The kangaroo method can change that.

A strong bond with the baby should be established right after the birth. Intensive skin contact with the parents is particularly important for newborns.  With it, the baby feels comfortable, which will affect his whole future life.

Then learn more about the advantages of the kangaroo method, including kangarooing. It’s about laying the baby on the mother’s and / or father’s bare chest for a while in order to establish direct skin contact.

Better temperature regulation in the newborn

With small babies, special attention must be paid to the correct body temperature. The best way to regulate the temperature is through skin contact with the mother.  The baby is already used to their body temperature and can thus adapt better to the ambient temperature.

Skin contact: not only with the mother!

Skin contact with the baby is not just a matter for the mother. Both parents can (and should) use the kangaroo method.

In this way, an intense bond is established with both mother and father. Overall, children feel more secure and protected when they have contact with both parents.

the kangaroo method is good for babies' brains

The development of the brain is promoted

The kangaroo method also allows babies to sleep better, their heart rate is more stable and the oxygen supply works better. All this  has a positive effect on brain development from .

The kangaroo method promotes sleep

Children who enjoy the kangaroo method after birth will be able to sleep much better. Thanks to the close skin contact with their parents, they feel more secure and sleep more peacefully.

You gain more weight

By regulating the temperature thanks to the skin contact with the mother, the babies can better use their energy for their development.

Through skin contact, babies recognize their mother’s odor and know exactly where to find the nipple.

the kangaroo method reduces stress

Babies are less stressed

Childbirth is an enormous burden for both the mother and her child. The baby leaves the sheltered womb and is confronted with a noisy environment and fluctuating temperature.

When a baby has first skin contact with its mother 10 minutes after birth, cortisol levels will decrease and oxytocin levels will improve. This means that the baby will calm down again through contact with the mother.

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