A Letter To Thank The Man Who Makes Me A Single Mother

This is a true story about a single mother, but at the same time, it’s just one of many stories. A story of a young student who, like many others, concentrated on this casual and playful present, on the “here and now”, where everything is expected in life … except to become a mother. What at first seemed traumatic, however, became without a doubt the best event of her life.
A letter to thank the man who makes me a single mother

This story is part of a letter that a single mother wrote and that appeared on all social networks some time ago. The letter gives us an insight into this complex emotional world that many young women face when they become pregnant and abandoned in a relationship with someone at the same time. 

These stories of life, so common and so well known at the same time, teach us a lot. Because sometimes fate plays with us to force us to be strong. And to discover that what at first glance looks like the end of the world can be a wonderful experience.

We talk about it in “ I am mother ”.

You left me and yet you gave me so much

a single mother - mother sleeps with child

Maybe it wasn’t love, or maybe it was the love of her life. Encounters happen, the attraction makes us feel alive. Love is something intense, something that no one normally rejects when they are 19 years old.

Whether you take the time to sit down and read this letter or not, I want to thank you. Thank you for everything you did and thank you for everything you gave me.

The protagonist of this story met her partner at a university party. And as with many relationships of young people that age, after three years she thought it was “true and everlasting love.” But this was not the case. Because she was abandoned immediately after becoming pregnant and is now a single mother .

Nevertheless – after careful consideration, the student made the free and at the same time courageous decision to continue the pregnancy, have the child and become a single mother.

I sat in my room on Saturday evenings, six months pregnant, and cursed you for putting me in this situation. And by the way, you should know that I know the real reason you didn’t come to the hospital to see me: You were too busy getting drunk at a Halloween party.

Thank you for leaving me when I told you I was pregnant

a single mother-girl outdoors

If a woman becomes pregnant without wanting to be pregnant and makes the decision to have the child, the responsibility rests with her and she knows it. It doesn’t matter if she has been abandoned. It doesn’t matter that her heart is broken and broken: because now a new one is growing within her.

  • The girl in our story thanks the person for leaving her after getting pregnant and choosing to move on with her life. At the end of the day … What use would someone with this character have in the girl’s life? None.
  • He decided to move on with his parties, relationships, alcohol evenings and negligence.
  • It made her feel hurt, but only for a while, only for a few months. She later realized that there was a much purer, eternal, more seamless, and more wonderful love: that of motherhood.

Thank you for leaving us at the right time. We both know that sooner or later you would have left us and that way she won’t know what it is like to have you only to have to suffer from your absence later

Thank you for making me grow

Our protagonist was forced to change her lifestyle to incorporate other routines, other commitments, and even other plans. She left university to return home to her family. She left the parties, her friends and her intense and colorful world behind to look for a job and real priorities.

It was then that she realized how many things she owed to the man who had left her after three years of relationship.

  • Thank you for showing me that whiskey with Coca Cola is the drink of my past and that natural juices are my future.
  • Thank you for showing me that listening to a little girl talk to me is always better than listening to a DJ at a college party.
  • Thank you for showing me that a thousand dirty diapers are better than waking up the next morning alone and in last night’s vomit.

eine alleinerziehende Mutter - Mutter und Baby

The single mother – one of the best benefits for a woman

Being a single mother can help us understand and discover everything we are capable of: You are a mother and a father at the same time. You suffer, you secretly cry and it is normal to think that you cannot do everything. And yet, like the protagonist of this story, you will manage, achieve everything, overcome everything.

It is normal to miss the life of yesteryear, the days when it was all about exams, to get a date with the boy who attracts us, to plan a future according to our dreams or to organize an unforgettable party .

Being a single mother at 19, 15 or 17 years old can be difficult at times, but everything is overcome and achieved. And no one can take away the experience and wisdom that some women don’t even have by the age of 30.

You taught me that sometimes the Prince Charming is not the one to save everyone and make you happy: Sometimes the Prince Charming is a little girl with a ribbon in her hair who calls you ‘Mama’.

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