A Fairy Tale That Can Help Children With Difficult Feelings

Today we tell you the fairy tale of the princess and the emerald dragon – a story about friendship, bravery and challenges.
A fairy tale that can help children with difficult feelings

A fairy tale can be a helpful way to teach children how to deal with their emotions. Many stories teach us important life lessons about challenges and overcoming difficulties.

Telling a story or fairy tale is a great way to help children deal with their feelings in a healthy, confident, and mature way.

In this article we are going to cover a wonderful fairy tale about friendship and bravery.

The princess and the emerald dragon: a fairy tale with morals

Once upon a time there was a princess who lived in a far-off fairytale kingdom. Her parents, whom she loved very much, owned a huge castle surrounded by forests and mountains.

There were animals of all kinds there – from tiny mice to giant elephants. Everyone lived happily together and respected one another.

The princess’s best friend was a young lion. They played together every day. They liked to tell each other stories – sometimes scary ones.

The scariest stories of all were those that told the legend of the emerald dragon. This wild dragon loved nothing more than to scare people and animals.

The legend of the emerald dragon

When the princess heard about the dragon, she became angry with her friend the lion. She yelled at him for telling her such a terrible story. She would definitely not be able to sleep all night now!

The playful Leo thought it was all pretty funny. One night, however, when he was telling her the story again, the princess got very angry and threw a stone at the lion. It hurt him very much and the lion began to cry.

They both went home and the princess was very sad. But she didn’t want to tell her parents what she had done. If they did, they would be very mad at them!

The next day the princess was looking for her boyfriend. She wanted to apologize to him. But she couldn’t find the lion anywhere.

All humans and animals began to look for the little lion. But all efforts were in vain and he was nowhere to be found. For three whole days and three whole nights there was not a single trace of him.

Finally one of the little mice heard a terrible rumor. The lion had been caught by the emerald dragon and was locked in its cave!

The princess was scared and confused. She wanted to help her friend the lion, but she was terrified.

“There is nothing we can do,” said her other friends. Her parents still didn’t know what she’d done, which made her feel worse.

One night, however, the princess took heart. She took a sword and used it to find the dragon. She found him – hidden in a cave in the deepest, darkest part of the forest.

When she saw the beast, she almost turned right back. It was much bigger and more terrifying than the lion had claimed in his stories. But then she remembered that she had to be brave now!

So, trembling, she approached the monstrous reptile.

The princess faces the dragon in his cave

“Release my friend immediately or I will kill you with my sword, evil dragon!” called the princess. But to their surprise, the dragon only responded to their challenge with a puzzled look.

“I didn’t capture your friend,” said the dragon. “He was hurt and lost in the woods, so I took care of him.”

The princess was shocked. The gigantic beast seemed to be telling the truth! In fact, it didn’t seem as bad as the legends said it was.

She felt a little guilty for having had such a bad opinion of the dragon without even getting to know him.

A fairy tale with morals

“I thought you were cruel because you are a dragon!” Says the princess. The dragon explained that appearances can sometimes be deceptive.

What matters is not how we look, but what is in our heart. The child now realized that she was only afraid of the dragon because it was huge and had long, sharp teeth.

In most of the legends and stories she’d heard, the monster was always evil. But that was only because nobody knew what was inside the dragon – and that it was actually a very nice dragon!

The dragon lived alone in the forest because no one wanted to be around a beast as big and fearsome as it was. The Leo had decided to stay with him, and now they had become friends.

When the princess saw that the lion was safe and sound, she ran to him and asked his forgiveness.

The princess, the lion and the dragon

“Please forgive me, Leo! I know I was wrong to get so angry. I should never have hurt you and I will never do it again! ”Says the princess and hugged her friend.

“I forgive you,” said the lion. “You were very brave when you wanted to save me. It showed me how much I mean to you , ”he added.

The little lion began to pick up his seven things. As they were about to leave, the lion asked the princess if the emerald dragon could come with them.

The dragon was so sweet and kind! He deserved to have friends and be happy. The princess agreed, and the three of them went back to the castle together.

A fairy tale with morals

When the king and queen saw the dragon, they became very frightened. But the princess hastily explained everything to them, after which they allowed that she could keep the dragon as a pet.

Once the princess had told them the whole story, she felt like a great burden had been lifted from her shoulders. She realized that everything would have been a lot easier if she had told her parents the truth from the start.

In the end, the dragon became the friend of all people and all animals.

A fairy tale with morals

Everyone in this fairy tale learned a valuable lesson.

We must be courageous in facing our problems, and we must never judge others by their looks.

Anger and secrecy only cause problems, and sharing our feelings with others makes us feel better quickly.

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