What Are Emotional Vitamins For Children?

Emotional vitamins can work wonders and are free! Plus, they only have positive side effects.
What Are Emotional Vitamins For Children?

Emotional vitamins motivate children and help them develop healthy self-esteem. They have many advantages and do not cost anything.

Care for children should be done not only on a physical but also on a psychological level. Emnotional aspects are fundamental to an all-round healthy and happy child. Only in this way can it develop into a balanced adult.

In addition to love and understanding, emotional vitamins can be used specifically to strengthen children and bond with them. Read on if you want to know more about it.

Emotional vitamins can be motivational phrases, cards with positive messages or an encouraging text message. Especially before important events such as tests or sports competitions, encouraging words are important in order to promote the child’s self-confidence.

Daily activities and constant competition with others can create fears and insecurities that reduce children’s self-esteem. But this is exactly where emotional vitamins are important and helpful in improving the child’s self-acceptance.

Emotional vitamins for children

Then we’ll go into more detail on the emotional vitamins so that you know how to administer and dose them. Don’t worry, they only have positive side effects and also positive interactions.

Emotional vitamins: father and son

Emotional vitamins for your child

Each emotional vitamin pill contains a motivational phrase that will strengthen your child’s spirit. You are encouraging them, promoting their self-acceptance, and giving them valuable advice.

Administration and presentations

There are several ways to give emotional vitamins. The simplest is oral.

Every morning, wishing your child good morning and kissing them can help motivate them to make it easier for them to cope with the upcoming tasks at school. Remind them how much you love them and how important it is to the whole family.

The evening is also a perfect time to give your child another dose of emotional vitamins. Take the time to calmly talk to him about the day’s events. After that, you can encourage them and reinforce positive behavior with praise.

Another option is a nice card on which you write a nice saying to support your (young) child. These sentences can be loving as well as motivating.

We all need emotional vitamins to feel loved and valued.

application areas

For the prevention and treatment of emotional and affective energy deficits in children of all ages.


Five (5) to ten (10) emotional vitamins per day. The recommended dose can also be exceeded without any problems.

Side effects

There were no side effects. They are the type of vitamins that overdosing on patients lead to a state of mental wellbeing which is then reflected in their daily development.


The use of emotional vitamins can be supplemented by hugs, kisses, laughter, applause, smiles, songs, films with motivational messages, cards, text messages, letters, as well as other media.

This can lead to you yourself receiving many of the expressions of love described above.

Emotional vitamins in one letter


“Always keep out of the reach of children.” Teach your children the meaning of emotional vitamins so they can then give them to their siblings, friends, teachers, and yourself as well.

This will result in happy children who understand the value of loving words and encouraging advice.

Emotional Vitamins: Further Recommendations

Emotional vitamins are available without a prescription and cost nothing. As already mentioned, you can also adapt them to the needs of your children. You won’t regret it and your child will love the vitamins and you too!

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