9 Games That Stimulate Your Baby’s Senses

To stimulate your child’s senses, today we’re going to show you some games. Try to incorporate these into your daily routine.
9 games to stimulate your baby's senses

Your baby’s senses develop as soon as they begin to interact with their surroundings. It receives feedback from its surroundings and this allows the child to begin to learn things. Hearing, seeing, feeling, tasting and smelling are possible thanks to this interaction.

To stimulate your child’s senses , today we’re going to show you some games. Try to incorporate these into your daily routine.

Dance with your child

Dancing strengthens the bond between mother and child. This gives your child the opportunity to hear new sounds. Completely different from those who already know it : the human voice, the singing, the noises of animals when you imitate them …

By dancing, your child learns to orientate themselves in space. It learns to strengthen its balance and learn more about its body.

If you stand in front of a mirror with him, he can watch himself dance. It can also learn to be aware of the movements you make …

Massage your child

Mother massages baby and stimulates the senses.

Massage can help the baby relax and sleep better. If he is crying, a massage is sure to calm him down. Furthermore, the massage helps him to be more open-minded. By doing this, he shows more interest in what is happening around him: this improves his ability to learn.

The massage relieves abdominal pain and colic, which are common during this phase. It also stimulates muscles, joints and the entire body with the aim of achieving better psychomotor development.

In terms of stimulating the senses, these exercises awaken his visual perception, sense of smell, and sense of touch. When you massage it, your baby is watching you. It smells you up close and at the same time it feels a lot of pleasant sensations on its skin.

All of this gives him great emotional wellbeing and that in turn strengthens the emotional bond between you and your baby.

Massages also help develop the central nervous system. The baby also becomes more aware of its own body.

Give your child books to play with

Books teach children something. And this even at a very early age. Laying your baby on their stomach so they can look at a book is the perfect exercise to help them develop their psychomotor skills.

With regard to sensory development, children’s books help to stimulate the sense of touch and visual perception.

It is best to give your child large quantities of books with colorful characters. Let it flip through the pages and tear at them in its own way. At the same time, it carefully observes the characters it contains and can interact with them.

You can also give him books that have animal figures and imitate the sounds they make. By doing this, you are helping him to stimulate his hearing and improve cognitive development.

Let your baby play with different elements to stimulate the senses

Baby plays with building blocks to stimulate the senses.

A single doll is a great toy for your child. However, your child will put aside the doll that was bought with so much love faster than you think and want. You thought this doll could keep him occupied for hours, but it doesn’t.

To stimulate the child’s senses, it is better to choose different elements that will arouse their curiosity and creativity. At the same time, these things can help him develop new skills and achieve specific goals.

For this purpose, we suggest putting together a cardboard box (small or medium-sized). Place the following items in this box:

  • Colorful stickers (geometric figures, houses, animals, trees, cars …)
  • Spices
  • Colored bracelets
  • Pompoms
  • Soft bread

Each of these elements will arouse different sensations in your child. This gives it the opportunity to experiment and learn.

5 games to stimulate the baby’s senses

Other games that can be used to stimulate the baby’s senses include:

  • Drums out of pots to stimulate his hearing.
    If it can sit, put it in front of some pots. Give your child a metal spoon and a wooden spoon and let them have fun and make music.
  • Hang up mobile with family photos to stimulate the sense of sight. Hang a mobile with family photos over his cradle. So it has its closest relatives very close: mom, dad, grandparents, siblings … and even yourself. The mobile shouldn’t hang too far away so that it can see the photos easily. When you open a window, the photos move. That makes the whole thing even more interesting!

Baby is playing with a plush bunny.

  • Socks filled with aromatic scents for his sense of smell. Collect aromatic plants in the garden and put them in a sock. Make a good knot and give it to your baby so he can smell it.
  • Sandpaper to stimulate the sense of touch. Cut out small squares, triangles, and circles out of some sandpaper. Allow the child to feel the roughness as they reach for the figures and play with them.
  • Socks filled with muesli to stimulate the sense of taste. Just like with the aromatic plants, put a little cereal in the sock. Now let the child bite it. He can’t eat the muesli directly, but as soon as he softens it with his saliva, the muesli can taste it.

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