7 Tips To Prevent Baby Flu!

Preventing baby flu completely is very difficult. But with a healthy diet, parents can strengthen and protect their baby’s immune system. In this way, at least one regularly recurring illness can be prevented.
7 tips to prevent baby flu!

Preventing baby flu completely is very difficult. But with a healthy diet, parents can strengthen and protect their baby’s immune system. In this way, at least one regularly recurring illness can be prevented.

All parents are affected when the children get sick. Unfortunately, viruses exist and even if parents do everything they can, baby flu cannot always be prevented.

Unfortunately, the flu is particularly widespread in the winter months. It gets even worse when bacteria are added due to an already weakened immune system.

This can cause a baby to develop bronchiolitis or even pneumonia.

So in this article we want to look at ways that can help prevent baby flu or the common cold.

The causes of baby flu

One of the reasons babies are vulnerable is their immature immune systems. 

In addition, they want to grow, develop and discover the world. That leads to them putting everything in their mouths.

Simply touching objects that are contaminated with bacteria or viruses is sufficient. In addition, frequent changes in temperature in the environment can promote illness.

Symptoms of Baby Flu

The most common symptoms are the following:

  • Clear mucus that oozes from the nose. After a week or so, the mucus will turn green or yellow.
  • Frequent sneezing.
  • Slight sore throat. 
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Bad sleep.
  • Troubled breathing.
  • General tiredness.
  • Cough, fever, diarrhea and vomiting.

Baby flu

When should you go to the doctor with your baby?

If your baby is under 3 months old, you should call your doctor right away if you have symptoms like this.

If you have a fever of over 38 degrees, then it is urgent!

In the phase between 3 months and a year, you should see a doctor if your baby has a fever of 38.5 degrees.

And even if your baby is coughing heavily, it is important that you see a doctor. This could be a sign of bronchiolitis or the onset of pneumonia.

Tips to prevent baby flu

There are a few tips to prevent infants and children from getting the flu. We have limited ourselves to 7 helpful ones.

1. Constant breastfeeding

Breast milk is essential to stave off the flu. It is therefore important to breastfeed permanently.

Breast milk does not directly prevent the flu. But since it supplies the baby with antibodies, it strengthens the immune system.

2. Keep your baby away from those who are already sick

You should (as far as possible) prevent your child from coming into contact with sick people. Because these are contagious. 

If someone is sick and wants to visit, politely cancel and suggest another time.

3. Keep the baby warm

Keeping a baby warm is very important. When you go out, your clothes should be appropriately dressed.

Make sure that your hands, feet and head are well protected from the cold. But they shouldn’t sweat either.

4. Eat a healthy diet

A healthy diet includes plenty of fruits and vegetables. Especially fruits with a high content of vitamin C are very good.

Although this does not help to cure the flu, it strengthens the immune system.

5. Wash your hands

Anyone who comes into contact with a baby should wash their hands first. Let us remember that many germs are transmitted through the hands. 

You should also clean the toys regularly, because your baby likes to put them in their mouth.

6. Avoid closed places with your child

Try to avoid closed places like restaurants or shopping malls. There are always many people with colds out and about and at the same time the ventilation in such places is very weak.

7. Make sure your baby is getting enough water!

If your baby is less than 6 months old, just continue with your normal breastfeeding routine or bottle feeding.

If your child is older, they should be given water. 

If babies urinate several times a day, that’s a good sign.

Baby flu

Natural remedies to prevent the flu

If your child is sick, you should take them to the doctor, because this is the only way they can be thoroughly examined and treated.

But there are a few things you can do beforehand to avoid the flu. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Nasal drops
  • A humidifier. You can add a few drops of mint or eucalyptus to the water in this.

Baby flu is normal. And yet there are steps you can take against it.

Most importantly, you should always be vigilant and monitor your child’s symptoms. If you have a high fever and cough heavily, please see your pediatrician immediately. 

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