6 Classic Fairy Tales To Read Aloud

There are numerous children’s stories that have been passed on from generation to generation. Today we want to remind you of 6 classic fairy tales that you can read to your children or read with them.
6 classic fairy tales to read aloud

Even though children’s literature has developed a lot, there are still some books and stories that never go out of style. We talk about classic fairy tales, those stories that our grandparents already read to our parents and our parents in turn read to us.

So it is now time for us to pass these stories on to our children and ensure that they continue this tradition as well.

Below we name 6 classic fairy tales that are sure to awaken some beautiful childhood memories in you. We also want to inspire you to read these stories to your children at home too.

Classic fairy tales to be read aloud or read together

Red Riding Hood

This classic European folk tale dates back to the 10th century. Nevertheless, the Brothers Grimm wrote the most famous version of this story. It tells the story of a little girl with a red cap who is sent by her mother to her grandmother’s house to bring her food and medicine. This story conveys two basic values.

First of all, the classic fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood explains how important family unity is. This story is about the connection between the little girl, her mother and her grandmother. This story also reminds our children to stay away from strangers at all times.

Classic fairy tales:  the wolf and the seven little goats

The classic fairy tale The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats also comes from the collection of stories published by the Brothers Grimm.

This story is about a mother goat who leaves her 7 little goats at home alone because she has to go shopping. Before she leaves, she admonishes the little ones not to open the door to anyone while they are away. She also tells them that when she gets home she will give a sign. In this way, the little kids should be sure that it is actually the mother who knocks on the door.

When a wolf arrives and wants to eat the little goats, various events lead to the wolf’s belly being bulging and filled with seven little goats. At this moment the mother’s love is so great that she can muster the courage and the necessary strength to cut open the wolf’s stomach and free the little goats.

This story also conveys very important values. One of the most important is the great love of a mother. In addition, this fairy tale also exhorts our children to stay away from strangers. This is a very important topic to talk about in early childhood.

classic fairy tales - mother and daughter reading

The three Little Pigs

Although this story was first published in the 1840s, it was passed down orally from generation to generation. To this day, we remember how the big bad wolf snorted and snorted in anger to blow the houses of the three little pigs he wanted to eat.

This classic fairy tale also contains some very important lessons for children. One of them, for example, is that we can achieve our goals with strength and willpower.

This fairy tale also shows how important cooperation and teamwork are, because difficult tasks can be mastered more easily together.

Even more classic fairy tales

the princess and the Pea

If we are talking about classic fairy tales, then of course The Princess and the Pea by Hans Christian Andersen should not be missing. This story teaches us one of the most important lessons in life: appearance can be deceiving.

Obviously the queen in this story does not understand this wisdom. A poorly dressed princess comes to a castle where a queen lives with her son. Since the prince is looking for a wife, he wants to marry the princess. However, the queen does not agree with his choice as the princess is not attractive enough in her eyes.

A little pea will eventually change the queen’s mind. Because the princess proves that she can feel a pea under her bed, even though it is under twenty mattresses. The queen then agrees to the wedding, because only a true princess can have such delicate and sensitive skin.

Classic fairy tales: Goldilocks and the three bears

This 19th century British fable is one of the best classic children’s stories to teach your children to respect other people and their privacy.

The main character is a little girl with golden curls who enters the house of a bear family without their permission. Goldilocks eats the bears’ food, uses their facilities and even sleeps in their beds.

As was to be expected, on their return the bear family discovered the little girl who was sleeping in their home. Thereupon Goldilocks jumps out of bed completely horrified and leaves the house. She runs into the woods as fast as she can.

classic fairy tale - mother reads to her daughter

The milkmaid and her bucket

This simple story is one of Aesop’s fables. It’s about a milkmaid who is on her way to town. As she walks, the resourceful young woman dreams of what she could do with all the money she will make from selling her milk.

All of these thoughts eventually lead her to imagine that she still has more money. She is so absorbed in her daydreams that she suddenly stumbles. Since the milkmaid no longer paid attention to her way, she can no longer earn any money because all the milk has flowed onto the street.

This story shows children the importance of not “counting the chickens before they hatch”. We should be careful not to be overly greedy or have overly grandiose desires. Because sometimes it can also be counterproductive if we focus too much on our ambitions.

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