5 Tricks To Calm A Crying Baby

By crying, the baby expresses dissatisfaction or a need. While you are figuring out what exactly the baby needs, make physical contact to calm them down. 
5 tricks to soothe a crying baby

The baby is crying and screaming, the mouth is wide open, his crying fills the whole room. As a mother, you don’t know what to do and you’re worried. But how can you calm a  crying baby  ? We’ll show you different tricks today. 

How can you calm a crying baby?

Do not forget that there is always a reason why  the baby is crying. You should therefore first find out the cause in order to be able to calm your child down. Your patience and your relationship with the baby also have a big impact.

By crying, the baby expresses dissatisfaction or a need. While you are figuring out what exactly the baby needs, make physical contact to calm them down. 

Take your baby in your arms. It needs to know that you are always there and that it is safe in your arms, no matter the situation.

When trying to calm your baby down, keep in mind that some movements can have the opposite effect. Movement is not always the solution, because the child may want rest and not movement. 

When you are breastfeeding your baby, make sure you are as calm as possible. Even if your baby is desperate, your proximity will calm them down after a while and their trust in you will grow.

You now have the opportunity to find out why you were crying.

crying baby with his mother

There are simple ways to soothe a crying baby in minutes:

5 tips to calm a crying baby

Tips to soothe a crying baby

  • Play distraction:  Try to get your child’s attention to a toy. A rustling sheet of paper or a game of soothing music can be enough to distract the baby from their pain or need.
  • Bathing:  Most babies love a comfortable bath. It’s a wonderful, relaxing moment. Use a few drops of a soothing essential oil in the bath water. With vanilla or another gentle scent, your child can calm down and sleep better afterwards.
  • Outdoor strolls: Take your baby out for a short stroll in the fresh air,  they can watch exciting things and be distracted. 
  • Singing:  Your baby already gets to know your voice in the womb, it has a calming effect and gives him security. Sing a soothing song to your child in a soft voice!

Most of the time, a child cries when they are hungry or thirsty, when they need to change their diaper, or when they suffer from flatulence, for example. Sometimes it just has to get rid of emotions. Then it just needs loving parents who give him their affection and attention.

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