5 Tips To Strengthen The Bond Between Mother And Child

It is known that the relationship between mother and child, the strength of which is immeasurable, has existed since conception. We’ll give you some tips below to strengthen and improve this bond between mother and child.
5 tips to strengthen the bond between mother and child

The bond between mother and child begins on the day of conception. This particular bond is not planned or enforced. It arises spontaneously and grows and flourishes over time.

As soon as the baby is no longer in the womb, one realizes this amazing and unique bond between mother and child . Do you know different tips and tricks to activate the bond with your baby?

As soon as the baby is born, every mother feels the need to look at it immediately and hold it in her arms. This moment comforts us and fills us with positive feelings that range from joy to gratitude and love to satisfaction.

It is precisely through this first physical contact that the bond between mother and child is activated. This moment marks the beginning of a crucial process in the baby’s life.

When the attachment develops in a healthy and positive way, the baby tends to experience affection in a sensitive way. Thanks to maternal contact, the baby is able to build confident and healthy relationships and grow up without emotional disturbance.

On the other hand, if the attachment is poor or non-existent, then the baby may be prone to developing an emotional disorder and insecurities.

This can happen, for example, when the bond between mother and child is broken, or even completely neglected for various reasons. The lack of physical contact can seriously affect the child’s development over time.

Advantages of the bond between mother and child

According to some researchers, this compound brings many benefits to both mothers and children. The bond that develops between the two is of great importance for the development and upbringing of the child.

In the same way, bonding helps women feel stronger and more valuable. In other words, the potential of this bond is immense.

It should also be noted that children can cope better with stress through physical contact and maternal love. This is especially important when they are in their sensitive and vulnerable phase.

The warmth and affection they receive from their mother give them a feeling similar to that in the womb. In conclusion, one can say that the warmth of the mother gives them a feeling of joy and well-being.

The bond between mother and child is strengthened through physical contact.

Likewise, babies who have a healthy and stable bond with their mother are more likely to have success later in life.

The mother-child relationship also helps them later to improve the quality of their interpersonal relationships. Because it is easier for them to interact with others. It also helps them to be more communicative and, of course, more cordial and loving in their dealings with others.

In other words: the affection that is revealed from the first moment through the sense of touch improves the baby’s socio-emotional development. In addition, this affection makes us feel a lot of positive emotions that later affect different aspects of our lives.

5 tips to strengthen the bond between mother and child

1. Promote visual and tactile contact

This creates a closeness between mother and child. This is important for the child to feel safe. The bond between mother and child is strengthened through all the senses and we should all know how we can benefit from it.

It is very important to bond with the child through touch and voice. To stroke it and talk to it. We also strengthen the emotional bond with the child with caresses and tickling. In this way the baby learns to recognize our smell, our voice and our skin.

2. Take the time to feed your baby

After the baby is born, both breastfeeding and bottle feeding are intimate moments . At this moment, mother and child explore each other’s body language and thus get to know each other.

It also gives the baby a sense of comfort and confidence when in the arms of his mother.

Taking a bath is also a great way to strengthen the bond with the child. The time should also be used when the child is put to bed or when they want to be comforted.

3. Physical closeness to the bond between mother and child

It is recommended that the baby sleep in its own crib. However, in a room very close to the mother.

If possible, there should always be contact between mother and child and physical closeness should be encouraged. In fact, many mothers choose to have their baby’s crib close to them.

This promotes skin contact with the baby and strengthens the bond between mother and child. The more love and affection we give the baby, the more likely it is to show us its own affection. You will quickly find how beautiful, unique, and extremely satisfying this type of affection is.

4. Caress your baby when he cries

It is very important to listen to them and show them that we are there for them and that we are always attentive to their needs. This shows again how important the physical contact between mother and child is.

Mother looks at baby and talks to him.

5. Talk and sing with him

At some point the baby reaches a phase in which it is aware of everything and reacts to everything that is going on around it. You can communicate with him, e.g. B. smile and babble and sing something to him.

If you use it to get their attention and they respond, it will have a positive effect on the bond. These interactions will later help him to get to know the most important elements of communication.

Given all of these tips, it’s important to understand that boundaries are fundamental. It should also be remembered that the urge to take care of the baby must not be neglecting his or her needs. It is absolutely possible to strike a balance in which both situations are compatible.

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