5 Massages To Relieve Constipation In Babies

Constipation in babies is common in the first few months of life. They can affect both the baby’s mood and his food intake.
5 massages to relieve constipation in babies

In this post, we’re going to introduce you to a range of massages that  you can use to relieve constipation in babies at home through massages.

Constipation in babies  is particularly uncomfortable as the little ones cannot express their pain. In the first few years of life, however, it often happens, so the massage techniques we are introducing to you today can be very helpful.

If the baby has difficulty defecating and the stool is firm and infrequent, it is usually constipation. 

Causes of Constipation in Babies

The main cause of constipation in babies is a diet without fluids or fiber.

Breast milk and water are extremely important in maintaining hydration. They are also fundamental to the functioning of muscles and the entire body. Fiber makes the stool softer.

Constipation can also be caused by eating certain foods. You can find out more about this below.

External factors can also lead to constipation in babies. Just like adults, babies pick up stimuli from their surroundings and often react with their body.

This explains why traumatic personal or impersonal events can be the cause of this condition.

Massages to relieve constipation in babies

Certain massages can be effective in relieving constipation in babies. It is best to find a moment for the massages when the baby is calm. Then you will find  five very beneficial massage techniques that you can easily implement. 

1. Stroking movements

For this exercise, lay your baby on their back and use the palms of their hands to make movements from their ribs to their lower abdomen.

Apply very slight pressure while doing this. It shouldn’t be too strong, as this will make the baby uncomfortable. You can also use this exercise to lift your baby’s legs.

Knee movement massages to relieve constipation in babies.

2. knee movements

Lay your baby on its back. Hold your legs by the ankles and stretch them out to the full. Then bend them until they touch the baby’s tummy.

Hold this position for a few seconds. Repeat these movements several times. You can also have the baby pedal as if it were sitting on a bicycle.

3. Clockwise massage

This massage is most commonly used for constipation in babies. Lay the baby on its back. Hold your knees and legs so they are slightly bent.

Draw clockwise circles with your fingers. You should do this movement slowly for a few seconds, stop, and then repeat.

4. Side massage

For this massage, lay your baby on his left side. Extend one leg and bend the other until the knee touches your stomach.

Do this for about 10 minutes and then switch sides. You can do this exercise up to 6 times a day.

5. Inverted letters

Lay the baby on its back, then draw the letter I on the left side of the tummy. Then draw an inverted L and finally an inverted U. This will improve bowel activity.

More tips for preventing constipation in babies

In addition to these massages, there are other tips for preventing constipation in babies.

Here some examples:

  • Change the baby’s diet. Eat foods that are high in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables. You should also increase your hydration intake.
  • Get exercise. Your baby may be too young to be physically active, but once they start walking, they should make full use of their energies during the day. Movement promotes bowel activity.
  • Healthy habits. Teach your child to indulge, and not hold back, the urge to go to the toilet.

    Constipation in babies should also be relieved through diet.

    Which foods should you avoid?

    Certain foods can cause constipation, which is why they should be avoided. The most important of these are:

    • rice
    • pear
    • banana
    • Apple
    • carrot

    Many of these are among the first solid foods to be introduced into a baby’s diet. Therefore, we should pay particular attention after weaning.

    One should also keep in mind that the above foods are actually recommended as effective for fighting diarrhea.

    If constipation in babies persists for a long time and the above measures do not help, you should see a doctor with the baby.

    Prolonged constipation in babies can be signs of more serious illness and should therefore be treated urgently.

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