3 Tricks To Get Your Child To Sleep In Their Bed

Getting your child to sleep in their bed can be challenging and requires a lot of patience. But you can still do it with love, respect and understanding.
3 tricks to get your child to sleep in their bed

Regardless of whether you are still sleeping with your baby or whether your child has just recently come into your bedroom at night, you should definitely try to change this situation. Getting your child to sleep in their bed is difficult, but not impossible.

In this article, we’ll tell you a few tricks on how you can get your child to sleep in their bed .

Why your child doesn’t sleep alone

Maybe you are not ready for your child to sleep in their bed and they still want to be very close to you.

Maybe your little one is having a lot of nightmares right now and this is the perfect excuse to come into your bedroom at night. Or the family routine changes – for example, when there are holidays – so that the little one is no longer used to having their own room.

Know that  sleeping alone is an important step in children’s development. In this way they learn to deal with their fears and to become independent.

Of course, we cannot assume that the child will go to his room overnight without any problems.

Regardless of whether you are still sleeping with your baby or whether your child has just recently come into your bedroom at night, you should definitely try to change this situation.

There are several reasons why your child may not want to sleep in their own room. Most often the need for attention and closeness is the reason. But it can also be that they are afraid of the dark, which happens especially at the age of three or four.

Sometimes children are also traumatized and of course the habits are also important. It should not be forgotten that we humans are very clinging to habits as they give us security.

So the child may be thinking, “Why should I sleep alone when I feel so good lying next to my mother?”

Of course, at some point the children have to become independent from their parents’ bed and need their own room. This is on the one hand for the well-being of the children themselves, but also for the well-being of the parents as a couple, so that they can enjoy intimacy again and sleep peacefully.

When the child sleeps in their bed, there is more time for intimacy again

How to get your child to sleep in their bed

Getting the child to sleep in their bed can be a real challenge.

However, with understanding and the right attitude, we can achieve the goal and the child will understand where to spend the night. And so we can all sleep more easily.

1. Goal number one: lie down and sleep

To do that, you need to accompany your child to their room and stay with them until they fall asleep.

Do not forget that it is not the bed that has a calming effect on the little one, but your presence. If the child is not afraid, they will fall asleep too.

Wait until it really fell asleep. Sometimes they trick us and when we move a millimeter, they open our eyes and start crying.

Be patient, it might take a few days. When the child is asleep, you can get up slowly and go to your bedroom. It is best to leave the doors to both rooms open.

2. Goal number two: not get into your bedroom

If your child wakes up at night and comes to bed with you, you should bring them back to their bed with a lot of patience, love and care.

Some children are very discreet and the parents do not even notice that they slept in their bed.

When you wake up and find your child is lying next to you, take them to their room and repeat the process if they woke up on the way.

In order for your child to sleep in their bed, you have to keep bringing them back to their room

3. Goal number three: sleep alone

When you’ve made it this far, your child shouldn’t wake up at night and come into your bedroom. From then on, you can be a little more revealing about sleep-related activities.

This means that if you always switched off the night light before, you can now leave it on for a while until your child falls asleep.

You can also allow him to take a toy to bed with him. That way, they feel safe without you having to be by their side.

Getting your child to sleep in their bed is not an easy task and can take a while. It is important that you start slowly and get better every day.

Take the days, weeks, or even months that it takes for your child to change their habits. And what is very important: Both parents have to be united and strict so that the little one realizes that the rules have to be followed at home.

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