25 Rules Of Conduct That Children Should Know (part 1)

Good manners are habits that are beneficial in any situation. If a child learns these from an early age, it will benefit them for life. 
25 Rules of Conduct Children Should Know (Part 1)

Children learn good rules of conduct in the first few years of life. As you begin to say your first few words, it is time to teach you how to respond correctly to certain situations.

In today’s article you will find the most important  rules of conduct that children should learn. Lead by example!

Why are rules of conduct so important?

Good manners are habits that are beneficial in any situation. If a child learns these from an early age, they will benefit from them for life. 

  • Good behavior promotes social development. When a child has good manners from a young age, it is much easier for them to communicate with children and adults. Social skills are tools that children need to be successful in the world.
  • Children imitate positive models. Your children will learn how to behave through your good role model.  Therefore, always be polite and nice, because you expect the same from your children.
  • Courtesy is not an innate virtue.  It takes practice! A well-mannered child can be more disciplined and tolerant. It is more open to suggestions from other people and usually has a positive attitude.

Helping to clean up is one of the good rules of conduct in every family.  Small children can certainly take on household chores.

Good rules of conduct that children should know

1. When asking someone a favor, use the magic word “please”, no matter what it is or who you are addressing to.

2. When you receive a gift or something else, it is important to say thank you.

3. When two or more people (adults or children) are talking to each other, you wait your turn  and don’t interrupt others. The only reason to interrupt other people’s conversation is in an emergency.

4. You do not get attention by yelling or pulling on someone’s clothes. Address the person politely, for example with “Sorry”. 

Teaching tolerance and respect

5. If you have any doubts as to whether you are doing something correctly or whether you are allowed to do it, an adult must be asked.  This way the child can avoid difficulties.

6. Parents should not make negative comments, especially when other people are present. In this way, children learn to refrain from shameful comments and to concentrate on the good qualities.

7. Avoid making derogatory comments about other people’s looks. Focus on positive traits and compliments. Always be polite and tolerant. Respect and tolerance are two basic rules of conduct that every child should learn. 

Good rules of conduct are the key to a joyful coexistence of the family and last but not least of society.

8. If the child is asked questions in society, there should always be answers. Even if children are often shy, they need to learn to talk to others. 

9. When children visit friends’ homes, teach them to follow the rules there, thank parents for their hospitality, and help the host clean up after they play.

10. A closed door is a sign that one or more people need privacy. So always knock on the door and wait for an answer before entering a room.

Remember that good manners are not learned overnight. In order to get your children to put them into practice, it is necessary to praise and stimulate them daily for their good behavior and gradually teach them everything according to their age.

In the second part of this article, we’re going to mention other important rules of conduct that you should teach your child.

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