18 Rules Of Living Together For Upbringing

It is important that the rules of living together in children are introduced from childhood, as they contribute to peace and harmony, both in the family and with others. Therefore, you should make sure that you know these very well and know how to properly pass them on to your children.
18 rules of living together for upbringing

The rules of living together help to create an environment of respect and tolerance in which demands have no place. Here we give you 18 rules of living together that you can introduce at home.

Why should I teach my child the rules of living together?

These rules allow children to interact with others with respect. If they learn the rules of living together , they will behave well and tolerantly.

If there were no such rules, each person would act as they see fit and there would be no order. Although many in our society have stopped using them, it is important to teach them to children. That way, they will grow up with a positive attitude.

Teaching your child the rules of living together will keep them from becoming insecure, lost, and demanding adults. You help your child find the balance between what they want to achieve and the needs of others.

In fact, some studies show that adults are happier when they practice the rules of living together and have been doing good since they were children.

The 10 main rules of living together

The rules of coexistence are to respect the rights of those around us. In addition, they help everyone meet their commitments. While all are important, there are 10 rules of living together that children should learn first :

  • Please and say thank you.
  • Do not Cry.
  • Greet others warmly.
  • Patiently waiting for your turn to say something.
  • To treat other people around you as they would like to be treated themselves, that is, with respect and kindness.
  • Share with others.

Rules of living together - children share ice cream

  • Not abusing others physically or verbally.
  • When you arrive at a place to have good manners.
  • Apologize when you make a mistake or hurt someone.
  • Respect other people’s ideas.

Other rules of coexistence

Additionally, you should teach your child values ​​and principles as they grow and for school:

  • Not to ask for things that are not necessary or not within the parents’ ability.
  • To listen when they are spoken to.
  • To help and respect the elderly.
  • Not to lie.
  • To be responsible.
  • Respecting others and their privacy.
  • To accept your mistakes and their consequences.
  • To care for and respect the environment and to use natural resources consciously.

Rules of living together - children make plans

How to teach children the rules of living together

Without a doubt, the best teaching for children is their parents’ example. For this reason, you have to put the rules of living together into practice in order to teach them to your child.

When your child sees you apologizing, saying thank you, and listening carefully, they will be motivated to do so too. The following tips will help you teach your child the rules and behaviors in a simple and effective way.

  • Start doing this as early as possible. It is ideal if you teach your child these rules from an early age. For example, from his first year, you should teach him to say thank you. This will make it easier as your child gets older. Furthermore, it will start imitating you from a very young age anyway.
  • Take the time to teach it. Use every opportunity to teach your child good manners.
  • Explain the importance of the rules.  When your child gets older and has the ability to understand more, explain to them why they should respect these rules and have good manners.
  • Praise and correct it if necessary. Praise your child for good behavior. That will encourage them to keep sticking to the rules. And quite the opposite. Correct it if it doesn’t follow the rules.
  • Use games. Teach them fun games to help them learn and practice their manners. It is important that you think about which game suits your child’s age.

Don’t hesitate to teach your child the rules of living together, no matter how old they are. In this way, they will be better people and promote unity and harmony in society.

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