18 Extraordinary Mythological Names For Boys

For many parents-to-be, choosing a name for their child is not an easy task. You will discover that there are a variety of options, and you should also find out the origins and origins of names.
18 Extraordinary Mythological Names For Boys

When you consider how many names there are in the world, it becomes quite difficult to come up with an original name for your son. Mythological names are both classic and original. That’s why we’ve put together a list here that might inspire you.

Whether you are a fan of legends, myths and sagas or not, these names are a reminder of the traditions of powerful stories that are sure to leave you a great legacy.

Remember that finding and choosing a name is a journey that becomes more interesting the more you delve into the subject. In this sense, curiosity is our strongest ally.

Also, we shouldn’t forget that choosing a name comes with great responsibility. You should be original while still remaining reasonable.

Giving your children mythological names can be very original. Also, these names never seem to go out of style. Generally, such names are associated with great history, adventure and romance. Because of this, these names have a certain power and appeal that cannot be denied.

Mythological names for boys

1. Phoenix

This is the name of the legendary immortal bird, capable of rising from the ashes every 500 years. It is said that the phoenix is ​​a glorious, noble, and majestic animal. That is why it served as an inspiration to the first great civilizations and is often mentioned in Arabic poetry, for example.

The phoenix has great spiritual power. So giving your baby this name can contain a certain essence. It is also important to remember that the phoenix is ​​associated with the king of heaven, and of course fire. Because of its rich history, this name is full of vital energy.

2. Adonis

The beauty of this name seems appropriate, because as the Greek mythology reports, the bearer of the name was a real feast for the eyes. His beauty and charm even got goddesses like Aphrodite and Persephone to fight for his favor. Because of this, this name has become synonymous with attractiveness.

3. Alexander

A popular name among fathers. “Alexandros” comes from the Greek. He is also of powerful importance as Alexander is the protector of humanity. Boys with this name are often very independent and have an innate talent for leadership.

4. Bastian

The name comes from the Greek and was derived from “Sebastos”, which means something like “revered” or “respected”. It’s a name with a lot of character and a certain amount of power and strength when pronounced out loud. Bastian is certainly an unmistakable name.

5. Apollo

Representations of the famous god from Greek mythology often emphasize his beauty. He was also the god of light, day and sun. He was the son of Zeus and Leto and his name means something like “he who escaped death”.

6. Odysseus

The name of the king of the island of Ithaca and a hero of Greek mythology. Children who bear this beautiful name are dedicated, detail-conscious and respectful.

7. Damian

A name of Greek origin, means something like “conqueror”. Boys with this name are often respectful, kind, and patient.

Mythological names

Mythological names for guys with a lot of personality

1. Silvanus

He was the protector of fields and borders. Boys with this name love the outdoors and the company of animals.

2. Hercules

Probably the most famous god in Greek mythology and son of Zeus and Tebas. He was a beautiful mortal. Children given this name often develop into brave and vital boys.

3. Angus

The god of love in Celtic mythology. With his singing, he could make couples hopelessly fall in love.

4. Balder

A figure from Norse mythology. He is the god of innocence, truth and light. An unusual name that will make your son stand out from the crowd.

5. Colin

A name that has its roots in Greek. It means “strong as a bear”. Children with this name are often practical and realistic. You have a lot of energy to achieve your goals.

6. Finn

A hero in Irish mythology. He is considered the defender of Ireland. Boys named Finn are often determined, persistent, and intuitive.

7. Hector

A great hero of Greek mythology and prince of the island of Ithaca. Children with these names often develop into patient, respectful, courageous, and determined personalities.

Mythological names

8. Ares

Ares was the Greek god of war. Hence this is a name full of character and conveys independence, determination, the ability to lead, strength and energy.

9. Tristan

Both the name of the famous hero in Tristan and Isolde , as well as the dignified knight of the Arthurian legend and his round table. The name comes from Latin and means something like “he who does not show his grief”.

This name is especially popular in Italy, France, and the United Kingdom. Boys with this name are attentive and sensitive.

10. Dylan

It is said that this name means “son of the seas”. Boys named Dylan are often imaginative, creative, and very hardworking. They like to see all their plans come true.

11. Hermes

Son of the god Zeus and the goddess Maya. Hermes was the messenger of the gods in Greek mythology. Children with this name are often very honest, attentive, and respectful.

Do you like mythological names for boys? Then you should research the stories and myths behind them!

You may discover more interesting facts and anecdotes to tell your son as he grows up with a name from mythology. So he will certainly be proud of his name.

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