15 Foods For Better Intellectual Performance

We take in nutrients through our diet not only for our physical, but also for our intellectual performance. School-age children therefore need food that guarantees their productivity. 
15 foods for better intellectual performance

Memory, reasoning, attention, and other cognitive skills can all be stimulated with proper diet. We have therefore compiled a list of 15 foods  that can be used to improve intellectual performance .

It’s best to combine several of these foods daily to make delicious meals. A healthy diet is often worthwhile. Each of these suggestions provides different nutrients that promote the complex cognitive capacities of the brain.

Not only the brain, but also all other organs benefit from a healthy diet.  This promotes physical and emotional health in the long term. In this way, your child learns about healthy eating habits at an early age that will accompany them throughout their lives.

15 foods for better intellectual performance

1. Nuts

Not only are they very similar to the brain, they also  promote intellectual performance. The omega 3 it contains is the perfect fuel for neurotransmitters.

This dried fruit is also said to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and in general has a positive effect on cognitive abilities.

2. Almonds

They provide a lot of energy and stimulate the production of adrenaline. In addition, they improve the state of mind  and are therefore also recommended for depression.

3. Cashew nuts

These nuts contain an abundance of magnesium. This dilates the blood vessels, which improves blood flow to the whole body and also has a  positive effect on intellectual performance. 

4. Peanuts

This type of nut also provides important nutrients for the brain. This can improve memory and communicative understanding. Since peanuts are very inexpensive, they are an excellent way to improve intellectual performance. 

5. Seeds and Grains

Whole grain breads with seeds, oatmeal, sesame seeds, and many other seeds and whole grains also have  various beneficial properties for the brain. 

Child eats chocolate to strengthen intellectual performance

Chocolate, oil and much more …

6. Dark chocolate

The antioxidants in cocoa keep the brain young longer. Flavonoids and caffeine, which are also found in chocolate, are excellent before an exam or before concentrated work. 

But don’t forget: the more cocoa, the better. We therefore recommend dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa. A small piece is enough to improve concentration. 

7. Olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil has an antioxidant effect and removes harmful substances from the brain. It also promotes cell regeneration and is said to prevent Alzheimer’s. 

8. Coconut oil

This oil is anti-inflammatory, promotes healthy blood vessels, and is also said to improve memory. It also cleanses the blood and provides a better oxygen supply. 

9. Pumpkin seeds

The seeds of the pumpkin contain Omega 3 and Omega 6. They are also characterized by vitamins A and E and zinc. Therefore, they are healthy for memory and mental agility. 

Vegetables and fish

11. Spinach

These leafy green vegetables rejuvenate the brain. That was found in a study by the  University Medical Center in Chicago. Spinach contains important antioxidants that improve brain health. It also provides vitamins K and E, magnesium and folates.

12. Tomatoes

The red vegetables are high in lycopene, a powerful  antioxidant that works against free radicals that damage (brain) cells. This not only prevents brain diseases, but also improves cognitive activity in general.

vegetable soup

13. Broccoli

Broccoli is also said to improve intellectual performance. These vegetables provide choline, which is necessary for the development of cells and neuron connections. Broccoli is therefore also very beneficial for pregnant women.

14. Strawberries

They are rich in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory effects. This is why strawberries are great brain health allies. Consumption promotes the performance of the nerve cells.

15. Salmon

Salmon provides important omega-3 fatty acids that improve intellectual performance.

All of these foods are very beneficial for the mind and body. You can use it to strengthen your child’s intellectual performance. Of course, these foods are very healthy for the whole family. They are also important in preventing degenerative diseases!

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