12 Tips Against Colds In Children

Many children suffer from colds several times a year, which can cause uncomfortable symptoms for about a week.
12 tips against colds in children

A cold is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. It happens very often in babies and children, especially in the cold season. Many children suffer from colds three to eight times a year  which can cause uncomfortable symptoms for about a week.

Children infect each other very quickly when they have colds , as these are usually transmitted via droplet infection (sneezing, coughing …) or contact with infected objects. This infectious disease is also often transmitted through direct contact (hands …).

The viruses enter the body via the respiratory tract and cause various symptoms. Colds are caused by viruses, but because they weaken the immune system, bacteria also have an easier time.

In some cases, babies can develop complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia. This is why it is important for parents to know what to do with colds to provide relief for their children. 

How to avoid colds in children

How to avoid colds in children

As mentioned earlier, it is one of the most common diseases in children. It is therefore difficult to prevent, because the risk of infection is very high, especially in kindergarten or school.

Nevertheless, the following preventive measures are very important and helpful:

Clean hands to prevent colds

The causative viruses are quickly transmitted through hand contact. Therefore, you should teach your child to wash their hands regularly.

It is best to establish healthy habits so that your child learns, for example, to always wash their hands before eating and, if possible, not to put their fingers in their mouths.

Hold your arm in front of your mouth

It is equally important that the child learns  to hold their arm or a cloth over their mouth when coughing or sneezing. Putting your hand in front of your mouth is less effective if the child does not wash their hands immediately afterwards.

Virus-free toys

Toys need to be cleaned regularly as viruses can build up on them. Babies in particular put a lot of toys in their mouths and therefore catch colds particularly quickly.

Prevent smoke and tobacco in enclosed spaces

It would be best for parents not to smoke at all, because they also have an important role model function. But if their child has a cold, parents who smoke should at least not smoke nearby or in closed rooms. 

Avoid air that is too dry

Air that is too dry is not good for the respiratory tract, which is why a room humidifier is recommended if the heating creates a very dry atmosphere in winter. Fires in the fireplace can also dry out the air!

Drink plenty of water to prevent colds

You should make sure that your child is drinking enough. Because with this healthy habit you can prevent colds, among other things. 

Temperature fluctuations

Try to  avoid sudden changes in temperature. Because these increase the risk of colds, especially in children.

Vitamin C for colds

Also make sure that your child gets enough vitamin C through their diet. For example, give him oranges, kiwis or tea with a squeeze of lemon. Some doctors also recommend vitamin C supplements to help strengthen children’s defenses and prevent colds.

Protection against cold feet

Your child should always have warm feet. You can put socks on it so that it doesn’t freeze at night when it covers itself. Don’t let them walk barefoot on the cold floor, put them on socks or slippers. This can also prevent contact with bacteria.

What to do about colds in children

Daily ventilation against colds

It is advisable to ventilate bedrooms daily, even in winter. This can reduce the concentration of viruses that tend to accumulate in closed rooms. 

In winter, when there is heating, brief ventilation is sufficient to get the air exchange going and thus avoid air that is too dry.

Exercise in the fresh air

Even when it’s cold outside, it is important for children to play in the fresh air. Exercise outdoors strengthens the immune system and reduces the number of harmful viruses in the organism. Children should enjoy the game outside the home even in winter!

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